Samsung MZ-VLW2560 chip replacement question
just out of curiosity. My colleague got its notebook broken (seems something got sort circuited) and it seems it took the Samsung MZ-VLW2560 drive with itself (the drive, connected to external adapter only heats and is not detected).
I had quickly used multimeter over the drive and had found out, that chip S2FPS04X01 A1708 604C858 has several pins connected or shorted to ground. I am not able to find datasheet, but I suppose its some kind of drive IC and since its in QFN-36 body, that only thing connected to ground should be the plate underneath the chip, not the side pins.
Is my analysis correct and if yes, should I search for the chip and try to replace to get the data out (colleague had already “mourned” data loss I only want to try it for learning purposes) or am I completely mistaken?
Petr Sourek
Is dit een goede vraag?
@djmanas it is not the SSD driver IC but a Samsung S2FPS04X01 SSD power management IC which makes sense given the nature of the failure. Your test appears to be the right thing and I would replace that IC and see what happens. If nothing else it'll be a great learning experience.
door oldturkey03
@oldturkey03 Hello, sorry for delay. Thanks for comment and "confirmation" that my thoughts are heading the correct way (regardless of result). Just out of curiosity, do you know, where to buy this kind of chips? A will be contacting Samsung, but its always good to know, where to get spare parts (I had tried Aliexpress and found different ones, but I am not able to tell if its the same or not).
Petr Sourek
door Petr Sourek
@djmanas yes Samsung may not be big help on this one. I would try Aliexpress since there are plenty of IC's being sold. Of course, it will also depend on where in the World you are located. Try a simple online search and see if anything pops up that may be close to you.
door oldturkey03