Why 031006 error code on my screen
How to fix code error 031006
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Epson error code 031008 generally occurs due to improper insertion of the printhead or ink cartridges. Accumulation of dust on these two printercomponents can cause this error code to appear. It occurs suddenly in between an ongoing printing session without giving any prior intimation.
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how about error code 031004 on epson L3110 ? Thanks in advance.
Renz read my answer
This is for error 031008 not 031006
Please help me fix error 031006 on wf 7710 printer.
Please help me fix error 031006 on wf 7710 printer.
Here is the correect answer.
When moist, such as ink, creates a short circuit between two contact points in the printhead of the ribbon cable that connects it to the main board, then a small fuse on the mainboard blows. The error code the printer gives is 031006. The fuse on the mainboard is marked with F1 or F301 or something similiar. It is small!! I can’t tell you where it’s located as that is different for every different mainboard version.
Are you confident with a screwdriver and a soldering iron? Then you can do this and save yourself a $100 new mainboard. Take the covers off your printer, disconnect all cables off the mainboard, take the mainboard out, spot fuse F301 or similar and measure its continuity with a multimeter. If the meter does not beep: bingo. Replace the fuse, assemble everything, your printer works again.
If you found the fuse to be properly working, then don’t touch it and check all ribbon cable connections and clean all contact points between printhead and mainboard instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoxwMqZN...
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This is best answer by far on this forum. Another forum poster Kevin BCH says it could be fuses F1, F2, F3 so check them all!!
Ok I think I solved this issue on two WF-7710 units with cg36 boards. The fuse was not F1 that failed. It was F2 on both machines. For anyone with a bad board caused by a bad print head make sure you check all three fuses on this board mine happened to be F2! I hope this helps someone.
Oh and if this happens it’s because of your print head, don’t reuse it! Get a new one.
What type of fuse rating did you use?
The 031006 is referring to a bad fuse on the main board. This is typically caused by a short across the print head ribbon connection due to ink/moisture intrusion.
The fuse is labeled F301 on the board and is not user serviceable; it will require the main board be replaced.
I would not say it is required to replace the mainboard. I would say for most printer users it's not possible to repair it and they would have to bring the printer to an Epson service center. A new mainboard is an expensive way to solve a $1 broken component problem!
MEANING="Head fuse broken error"
DESCRIPTION="- Printhead failure"
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Imexindo... so what we have to do to fix it?
I have the same error code 031006. How do I fix this? I heard on Youtube Epson does not sell replacement heads. I also found the same printerhead, an after market printerhead on AliExpress.
epson error 031006
Dear Sir/Madam
My Epson Printer Error code 031006 , WF-7715?
@manolosolis the main board requires replacement. The fuse labeled F301 on it has failed.
The 031006 error code can vary depending on the device or application you're using. Here are some common reasons and solutions for this type of error:
If you provide more context about where you’re seeing this error, I might be able to give more specific advice!
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Have you check your Owner's Manual? How about https://epson.com/Support/sl/s. You will have to supply your printer model # there though, which is also a good idea to provide when asking in a help forum as all printers are not the same.
door prop man
@alchain6003 what model is your printer and when did the error code show up? Anything done to or happening to your printer prior to?
door oldturkey03
Epson wf 7710 yes I refilled my ciss with ink primed put cartridge back when I turned on this error code wont go away
door alchain6003
لدي طابعة ابسون 7710 كانت الفوهات مسدوده ففتحتها بمنضف وستعملت الطابعة وكان ادائها جيد وبعد يوم قمت بتشغيلها وضهرت لدي على شاشه الطابعة (خطأ في الطابعة اعد تشغيل الطابعة واذا ضهرت الحاله نفسها راجع الوثائق المتوفره لديك وبالاسف مكتوب هذا الرقم 031006) ممكن مساعده لاني حاولت اصلاحها ولم استطيع
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