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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

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Can I put a 2 TB Seagate Firecuda SSD SATA Hard Drive in my Mac Mini?


I was researching as to how to upgrade my hard drive in my Mac Mini 2014 and I came across the ifixit guide and in the buy parts section I could not see a 2 TB option. Is it advisable to upgrade to a 2 TB Seagate Firecuda SSHD SATA 2.5 inch Hard Drive?

I am using my Mac Mini for music production and in Maschine when I play some of the demo projects in certain expansions I notice audio glitches and my CPU levels going up. I saw one friend’s 2012 macbook in which he had recently upgraded to a Sandisk 1 TB 3d SSD and it was running smoothly in his. Will my problem get resolved if I do the upgrade mentioned in the above paragraph? Thanks

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Your friend has the right idea going with a SSD!

While he went with a larger 1 TB SSD you don’t need to go that far as you have a HDD presently.

Basically, You’ll want to get a blade SSD drive for the second drive like [gekoppeld product ontbreekt of is uitgeschakeld: IF123-123], you’ll need this cable SSD flex cable and here’s the guide you’ll need to follow Mac mini eind 2014 Vervanging van de SSD.

Once you’ve put in the SSD, install MacOS onto it using the OS installer from your HD. Then migrate your user account and apps over. You’ll leave your data on the HDD. While a 240 GB SSD will work just fine you do want to leave 1/3 of the SSD free for the OS & apps to leverage for caching & paging (maybe a 480 GB would be better). You’ll use the SSD for your scratch area to work on your current work, then move it over to the HDD when your down. If you are working on large projects you’ll want to get a larger SSD.

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@danj the title is talking SSD but the text talks about a SSHD which is what the Firecuda is


@mayer - Maschine is a powerful music editing app which really need a full SSD to run off of which is why I aimed him that way. I've setup a good dozen setups this year alone for students going the Berkley School of Music studying music composition and event DJ's.

The problem is over a quick amount of time the HDD gets overly fragmented as they work on their music piece(s) similar to video editing, which is why a SSD makes better sense here. Students often don't have the deep pockets to get the needed larger SSD so a dual setup makes sense to get the best of both worlds.

Given the issues with Mojave with SSHD's which you've also noted. I've been focusing people to regular SSD's & HDD's. RAID'ed if more I/O speed is needed.

Besides, installing the SSD is less work than swapping out the HDD.


Thanks for your guidance guys. Sorry for writing SSD in the question, I meant SSHD. I didn't know there was a problem between SSHD and Mojave, would like to know what exactly the problem is because SSHD is cheaper than SSD and the 2 TB Firecuda is cheaper than the PCie SSD which I'm not even sure my Mac mini can have as I had bought the one with just a HDD, no fusion drive and I was planning on getting it done by the Apple service center in my city, didn't want to take the risk of doing it myself and I would like to go for as large of a storage if I have to pay a little more.


Rakesh - You mini can support the PCI blade SSD, all you need is the cable (click on the blue URL I posted) That won't be a problem. Given your app you really need it, sorry ;-{

The blade SSD installation is very easy! The access is right under the bottom lid. You don't need to take the system appear at all! I can do it in less that 15 mins. Swapping out the HD will require a lot more work. A SSHD while faster than what you currently have for a HD, is still limited for I/O unlike the SSD. Don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish here.

@mayer - Can give you the insight on the problems he has had with SSHD's and Mojave. Most of the systems I've been working on can't support it and the one's that do have been going with SSD's. I did try setting up a test system a few months ago with a SSHD and was not able to get it to work.

Don't forget Apple Stores won't alter the config from what was sold. Only independent shops will do custom after sale configs.


Thanks alot Dan, Then the SSD that my friend put in his laptop is still cheaper than the blade SSD that you've given the link to and has the storage space that I am used to. I had checked my friends configuration and the only difference I could see was that he has a 2.6 ghz intel core i7 and I have an i5 in my mac mini. Will that also be of consideration for me?


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No, you cannot put this hard drive into this computer. They do not come with hard drive slots.

However, you can buy an enclosure that can read these hard drives. You can get these on Amazon for cheap! ELUTENG USB3 External Hard Drive Enclosure Clear 2.5 SATA to USB3

Also, I don’t think your storage may be related to the issue.

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@superdoggo - The 2014 model does have dual drive support! It can support a 2.5" SATA drive and also offers a PCIe slot for a blade SSD.

I think you're thinking of the New! 2018 model which has solder flash driven by the T2 chip. Then you are correct no options here!


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