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Early 2011 Model: A1278 / 2.3 GHz i5 or 2.7 GHz i7 processor

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How can I altered to be able to upload the system to the latest versi?

How can I altered to be able to upload the system to the latest version?

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Google DosDude1 to find the patchers.

Fair warning I don’t recommend running on your primary system and the needed resources RAM & Storage (besides the CPU) will be a limiter of having that useful a system.

Lastly, Apple has moved to a new file system APFS from HFS+ with doesn’t run very well on older SATA based drives.

You also will be limited on some OS enhancements as your system won’t have the needed hardware, so consider that as well.

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It's like as much as I love the 2014/15 rMBP, it's time to let these go beyond Big Sur and Montere on the 2015 :(. I accepted the writing on the wall somewhat with first gen M1, but the new MBP made it permanent.

But on the bright side, we got ports back on the 16" even if it's a bank account stabbing purchase :-). I'm seriously looking at a 16" M1 Max/64GB/1TB configuration. The P3 display is a major seller for me too, since P3 is amazing if your workflow needs critical color accuracy. I held out for ports, and it happened. I'm going to def try one in store this weekend and get a feel for it.

It's not going to be a lightweight, but I'm aware of that from the A1297. Apple was just like "here you go" with that machine. I've always loved the massive screen MBP since if I'm at a photo studio or something, I don't need to cramp on my laptop.


@nick - I'm about to do the same ;-}

My two work 2015 15" DG MacBook Pro's are struggling and both are due for a battery replacement (4th one in both). I've been nursing them waiting and the performance of these systems is making my eyes water!


@danj I just need to weighten my savings first. Not going to be cheap the way you want it specced...

About freaking time we got the old MBP back. Like I wasn't expecting the new M1 Max to rip on Intel as much as it did. It's officially wiped my 2014 out on benchmark status. M1 Pro is just not worth your time on the 16" since you're already paying deeply for it - get the Max and opt for 64GB.


@danj I got some time on the 14/16" machines. Wow, what a difference from the USB-C ones and legacy rMBP. The keyboard is better then the 2012-2015 rMBP (the keyboard still left a lot to be desired in 2019), the LCD is worlds more color accurate. Even the 14" isn't a huge compromise from the 16" due to the resolution. I need to get a USB-C cable for my scanners (SJ Pro 2500 f1 for documents, Epson Perfection V30 and V300 for photos and slides, and a V39 for quick scans due to the CIS head - CIS just doesn't have the color accuracy I demand for certain scans) so I'm not happy about that but compared to the rest of the computers? That complaint is a drop in the bucket.

It's like Apple realized the pros were serious about wanting a proper replacement for the 2012-2015 rMBP. We won - Jony Ive is gone, they realized we weren't kidding and now we got it after holding onto our old Intel machines despite knowing the writing is on the wall.


@nick - Jony Ive believed the Intel's fairy tales! Thats what did him in as he didn't have a plan B. Even still Apple has still mis-stepped!

The Notch is a step back! So sad, finally they get 90% right to then loose the display so the whole system is now down to 80% right!

Instead of just putting out a small camera opening they splashed boiling water on us! Now we need to work around their mess and in doing so we lose the display space on the sides! Instead of just pushing down the top edge of the display window so the menu is below the notch.

Still need dongles! For USB-A & Ethernet


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