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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

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My screen works sometime, and then it decide to stop. How to fix it?

So when I try to play a game, my screen is working, everything is fine.

Then 2 minutes later, my screen become all blured then all white and I don’t see anything.

But the game is still working, I can hear the sounds and I can play, but without any image, but I know the games work, I tested and I recognized the sounds.

Now, the screen was working without any bug (tested for 10 minutes, a record), but since I did nothing, I am afraid it will come back ( I had this problem for more then 2 years).

I wonder what is going on? How to fix it?

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Might be a heat problem. Make sure the unit has lots of ventilation. Try blowing a fan on it to see if it plays longer than usual before acting up. Could also be a loose connection, cold/cracked solder joint or failing component. You will have to open the unit to do a visual inspection, reset cabling etc

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The unit is a Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101. It worked fine for years, so I don’t think it is a heat problem. I used it from 2009 to 2016 without problems.

It is only the screen that was problematic, not the console, wich was still running the game, but not the screen, even sometime after only 5 seconds.

Yesterday, it suddenly worked back. I played for hours without any problem. It’s strange. For almost 3 years, the screen was not displaying anything after 5 seconds or max after 2 minutes.

I don’t know how to open it :/ . I got a Nintendo screwdriver, but it only open the middle screw. The 4 others, it doesn’t work on those screws :/.


All things that work fine, work fine until they for whatever reason don't work fine.

A common indication of a heat problem is a device that starts acting up in a short time after initially working correctly.

For an example of a functional device that still delivers video and sound but the screen isn't viewable due to component failure do some reading up on backlight failure in panel TV's.

Find out what kind of tools are needed for disassembly (hint look at the Tools section on this site) and obtain what is needed. If you don't want to do the research etc then take the unit to a repair shop, but this site is called *I*fixit for a reason.


All you need is a small Phillips and an obscure tri-wing screwdriver, it should be straightforward (except the screen) to take apart as it is with older consoles and handhelds but there are guides, It's possible that the orange ribbon cable connecting the screen to the mainboard is loose, there will be tiny tabs on each side that can be pushed back a little to release and reinsert the cable


Prop Man: ya, but it is clearly not a heat problem, since it worked back fine and it is not hot and the problem started after 5 seconds, etc.

Yay, I did research and it didn't work.

Adam: Wich one open the 4 screw? I have one screwdrivers that open only the middle one. Is it the tri-wings or the small Philipps? I don't know anything about screwdrivers, just that I bought 2 and only one of them open it.

Ya it would make sens for the cable. So I would just need to open it and push the orange cable!


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