What device do I need to fix my tab 3 board if only 1 chip is bad?

I bought my tab3 new, paid over$400.00 for it,..but there was some kind of poochie made hex on it ..unknownst to me,..i went to Cricket to get my tab 3 on, worst idea I could've had, she was being taken to court. And she was dying of some kind of aids or other deadly disease! She claimed,..all she could tell me is that she was sooooo hoping that I bought this device in front of her, at a reputable Retailer and not at the poor juicy rinse grabbable Site like still calling itself ebay.

And I said, well I couldn't find this kind of big storage anywhere else running a trusty version of jelly bean software, anywhere else,..everyone else was pure junk!... and are crawling all over the other boards getting jerked around for the thrill of a Lil girl third grader,....finding that out I didn't want to pay $350 for a kit Kat running 6 month piece of $@$*, but I could pay $418 or so for the rightly buildt thing, and take the chance that it was the right one for me...and she totally agreed started insulting me and went in the back with my tab, which I had the pleasure of already seeing was totally cool and full of 4g ability ,..disappeared for roughly two hrs. To come back, looking different feeling smaller and didn't have its smoothness, or lightning responses all the way through to it's whatever is was to George but I wouldn't rate it even a 1g performant..

Everyone I've told this to, has said oh, sorry it happened to you too,.but you could still make most good of your original investment, if you can find another slightly med,..used motherboard for your tablet,...or actually a whole new motherboard,...if they're out there, but you'll need some kind of ohmonsittestriensce thingy to read which chip is the main issue for ghz,..And download and upload handling...and then replace this, chances are you'll be able to use them for both boards as they do not normally die....at least that's what I'm told now, so either this carrier girl stole my chips, or switched them with a more aged syfrus One unit and I have to replace it but I don't know what kind of scope digital I hope, can tell me which ones,...does anyone have a clue how to find such a device?

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