Why does my Epson printer not copy
My Epson printer WF-2650 will not photocopy, the error message reads: "The Paper Source Setting Is Invalid" do you have any suggestions?
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My Epson printer WF-2650 will not photocopy, the error message reads: "The Paper Source Setting Is Invalid" do you have any suggestions?
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I know its not an exact match but maybe this might help
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I have the Epson workforce 2630 have tried everything to copy but keeps saying paper source invalid. Driving me made!!!!!
I'VE GOT IT! Borderless option is NOT supported with plain paper! (Who knew?)
Hit Home
Select Copy
Switch layout option to WITH BORDER
Cheers works a treat with my XP420 and I suspect will work with all Epson printers. Thanks for tip.
Works for my WF-2660. Many thanks! Thought it was heading for the rubbish!
Thanks Alice Wins!! Driving me crazy
I changed to print with border and now printer copies fine from panel.
I found the remedy from another website and it worked. Also it does not print a border .
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I changed the borderless option to border and it worked. I found this tip online. Prior to this I had called Epson and the rep said I needed to pay $50 for s new driver.
It worked for me too, but not from the glass platform.
Thank you thank you. It was driving me potty! Solved now.
Thanks , this worked for me also.
Thank you so much. Worked on this for most of the day. Searched thru you tube and the epson manual to no avail. Can finally print again! Just have to buy some ink
Yes, same here. I went around and around through the settings, getting no where until I read this post. I changed the settings to "With Border/A4/Actual Size" and it copied. Only the bottom right edge of my copy shows a trace-about 1.5 cm, of a border that wasn't on the original. Ridiculous! Thankfully this was not anything that needed to be "perfect" in appearance. It isn't my machine so I don't have access to a manual, but you would thing making copies would be simpler!
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This solved this problem. My base opinion of this machine after five days is it is a piece of crap - from inaccurate instructions in the manual to downloading drivers for Mac.
I totally agree I hate this stupid printer Mac user also. I have court Monday have tons to print it was printing pretty good after I had to install the drivers AGAIN then all of a sudden all sorts of settings just changed on it's own 2 hrs later still not working. It's garbage!
Awesome Who knew? You did!
This worked for me:
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FINALLY!! Thank you so much
Also having this problem with Epson XP320. Found that "with border" was the only way to change setting to "plain paper," which was apparently my problem, as just changing to "with border" alone, would not do it. This problem occurred only recently, after a software update.
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Hi, I tried most of these suggestions, on my WF-2630 but none worked. It refused to copy, or let me change the paper source/size/type settings relating to copying! Then I went into Set Up/Printer Settings/ Paper Source Settings, and clicked down on A4/Letter Switching and found another option to switch paper size error reporting off! Changed that and everything working perfectly!
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I had an epson printer that you filled with ink
had it for 1 yr and had nothing but issues. It would not scan and ut would not set up as a wireless. It was a 350.00 piece of garbage. The first time I had to load with ink. ..the red ran into the black. I had extended warranty on it. However when it needed to be replaced, Epson kept 100.00 and sent me a check for 250.00. What the heck did I pay for a warranty for? I went back to my HP and have never looked back. I now have my wireless and scanner. I buy XL inks and have printed tons of paper. All for 150.00. What’s wrong with this picture?? Epson will never be in my household again!
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none of these worked on my wf2750 which has copied fine for ages...
Copying Documents or Photos
Place your original document or photo on the product.
Load the paper you want to print on in the product.
Press the home button, if necessary.
Press the left or right arrow button, select Copy, and press the OK button.
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I have a WF2750 and can't get it to copy. I'm beginning that this machine is a piece of junk. I really need help without it costing me an arm and a leg. Any suggestions?????
Betty Carter
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Hi @bettycarter,
Does it print documents OK when printing from a computer?
What happens when you go to copy a document using the printer's Control panel?
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44 opmerkingen
Try changing paper type in setup from plain to matte this worked on my wf-2750
door Christopher Burdett
I will give this a shot tonight.
door Georgette Richardson
Thanks Christopher Burdett, that worked on my WF-2750 also.
door Paul Leigh
I have the wf-2630
door John Butler
Praise the Epson answer God....been trying to print a simple single copy on this Epson WF-2750 (used to have XP-310).....changing to matte setting was the ticket!!!!! TY!
door Josette J Knisley
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