Rene, for the error 1439, try this:"leave Ipod plugged into computer. Press the centre button and menu at the same time until Itunes recognizes there is an iPod plugged in. It should also recognie that the iPod is corrupted and commence downloading recovery software." You should also try a different USB port. Use one in the back of the computer (if you are using a desktop). Let us know what works, if anything.
Rene, for the error 1439, try this:"leave iPod plugged into computer. Press the centre button and menu at the same time until iTunes recognizes there is an iPod plugged in. It should also recognize that the iPod is corrupted and commence downloading recovery software." You should also try a different USB port. Use one in the back of the computer (if you are using a desktop). Let us know what works, if anything.
Rene, for the error 1439, try this:"leave Ipod plugged into computer. Press the centre button and menu at the same time until Itunes recognizes there is an iPod plugged in. It should also recognie that the iPod is corrupted and commence downloading recovery software." You should also try a different USB port. Use one in the back of the computer (if you are using a desktop). Let us know what works, if anything.