Just wanted to note, off topic I guess but viable - I saw "Pawn Shop" in the heading. I've had clients and set up systems for pawn shops since the mid 90's. By law they are required to record serial numbers and provide a copy of all pawns/buys to the local LEO agency. Pawn shops overall are a great place to buy used items, but...
Problem is, the backs of iPods/iPhones etc, get scratched up so badly they can't read off the S/N and don't know how to go into the General Settings and get it.
In my computer repair shop, I use a 30x loupe to get the s/n off the back and match it with the s/n when you go into General Settings and record them.
I guess I consider it a courtesy service, but, I did manage to reconnect a lady with her stolen iPod that passed through my shop.
Again, off topic, but a subject that I've really never seen mentioned in the forums ... and I have first hand experience with ... well, figured I would share it.