Smoke Coming Out of Bottom Vent + Electrical "Death" Smell
I just swapped out the OEM hard drive with a SSD for a late 2013 iMac received from someone for my daughter to use. The next day when attempting to power it on (it had been powered on and tested before the incident) she and my son noticed smoke coming out of the bottom vent and it smelled like an electrical fire/burn. I immediately unplugged the unit and moved it somewhere safe. There was no visible flame, and my first thought was that dust (there was a good deal of it vacuumed out when I was performing the repair but probably missed some on under side of logic board, power supply, etc.) got hot and started to burn similar to a bathroom ceiling fan/heater after months of not being used. However, after blowing out the vents with compressed air and also vacuuming them out, the iMac will no longer power on. Do you think this sounds like the power supply simply died, or something more? Please advise.
Smoke Coming Out of Bottom Vent + Electrical "Death" Smell
I just swapped out the OEM hard drive with a SSD for a late 2013 iMac received from someone for my daughter to use. The next day when attempting to power it on (it had been powered on and tested before the incident) she and my son noticed smoke coming out of the bottom vent and it smelled like an electrical fire/burn. I immediately unplugged the unit and moved it somewhere safe. There was no visible flame, and my first thought was that dust (there was a good deal of it vacuumed out when I was performing the repair but probably missed some on under side of logic board, power supply, etc.) got hot and started to burn similar to a bathroom ceiling fan/heater after months of not being used. However, after blowing out the vents with compressed air and also vacuuming them out, the iMac will no longer power on. Do you think this sounds like the power supply simply died, or something more? Please advise.