My sister’s GE had an identical problem. Technician replaced a control board. Though it was in need of new capacitors, it was not the cause of the problem. The '''typical''' cause of this problem is a bad freezer seal. After careful inspection of the seal, I could not see any leaks. I then removed the seal and as I closed the freezer door I sensed that something was keeping it from closing completely. I found that to be the lower drawer. For some reason it was sticking out just a little too far and it was not because something was holding it from completely retracting. I pulled the front plastic façade off and the door shut completely. I replaced the seal and everything was fine — until it developed another problem. She got rid if it.
A friend called me for an identical problem. I told him to check that the door was closing. He said it did. When I went over to see, it was not because a drawer was not fully retracting because it has come off the slides. After repositioning the drawer to retract, everything was fine.