I put in a password and i forgot it,so i kept on trying different things it keept on saying wait 5 min,10min ,15min,and then it went to 20min finally a red screen popped up and said your ipod is disabled please connect to itunes. I have no idea what to do,what do i do?
I put in a password and i forgot it,so i keeped on tring diffret htings in keeped on saying wait 5 min,10min ,15min,and then it went to 20min finally a red screen popped up and said your ipod is disabled please connect to itunes. I have no idea what to do,what do i do?
I put in a password and i forgot it,so i kept on trying different things it keept on saying wait 5 min,10min ,15min,and then it went to 20min finally a red screen popped up and said your ipod is disabled please connect to itunes. I have no idea what to do,what do i do?
I put in a password and i forgot it,so i keeped on tring diffret htings in keeped on saying wait 5 min,10min ,15min,and then it went to 20min finally a red screen popped up and said your ipod is disabled please connect to itunes. I have no idea what to do,what do i do?