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Deze versie is geschreven door: n2b


My GPS did not work after I replaced a cracked screen with screen assembly bought from Amazon. I followed all the write ups for suggested solutions. I was confused for a while by reading Rick Jones posting since my back cover had no mesh. So I ignored it assuming that some LG-5s may have slight variations in the design. What worked for me was the description from Shlomsi and Justin except I did not add any tapes. When I compared the contact (location 3 in red as shown in Justin's posting) with the contact on my old screen it was sitting much lower and below the level of the rubber pieces, which I guessed was not allowing it to make the connection to the back cover when assembled. If you look under a magnifying glass you will find it to be a tiny cantilever spring like contact. So I very gently bent it up to where it was above the level of the rubber pieces. Now the GPS works fine. Thanks to all for descriptions and specially to those who posted the pictures. It helps a lot to follow the different attempts.
+I also touched up all metal contacts on the PCB and the back cover with a cue tip lightly damped with isoprophyl alcohol to clean out any oil left over by handling.



Origineel bericht door: n2b


My GPS did not work after I replaced a cracked screen with  screen assembly bought from Amazon. I followed all the write ups for suggested solutions. I was confused for a while by reading Rick Jones posting since my back cover had no mesh. So I ignored it assuming that some LG-5s may have slight variations in the design. What worked for me was the description from Shlomsi and Justin except I did not add any tapes. When I compared the contact (location 3 in red as shown in Justin's posting) with the contact on my old screen it was sitting much lower and below the level of the rubber pieces,  which I guessed was not allowing it to make  the connection to the back cover when assembled. If you look under a magnifying glass you will find it to be a tiny cantilever spring like contact. So I very gently bent it up to where it was above the level of the rubber pieces. Now the GPS works fine. Thanks to all for descriptions and specially to those who posted the pictures. It helps a lot to follow the different attempts.


