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Dell Inspiron 530 DCMF Troubleshooting
Lack of Storage Space
Any time you try to load or run a program you could come across an error that states that there is not enough storage for your computer to handle. This could be a problem with the computer's hard drive where all files and data are saved. Here is a list of problems that could be causing the error message.
Computer could have low memory
The computer's hard drive may not meet the requirement. To fix this, replace the hard drive with one with more storage space.
Hard drive could be corrupted
The hard drive could be corrupt or physically broken. Dust is a big killer of hard drives; if it is not cleaned regularly dust could break the hard drive. The only way to fix this is to replace the hard drive.
Hard drive might be full
If the computers hard drive is full, add more storage space by replacing it with a with a larger one or adding a second hard drive.
Operating Slowly
Your computer is running slower than it used to, programs take a long time to open and responses are lagging.
Too many programs could running at the same time
Having too many programs running can overwhelm the computers processing power, close extra programs to increase the computers available processing power for programs you're using.
Possible virus/malware infection
Make sure you have an up to date antivirus program and run a full scan to check for issues.
There might not be enough free RAM
RAM stands for random access memory, this is the memory that all computer programs use while running. RAM requirements for programs can be found online or on the packaging of the program. More sticks of RAM can be added, or the current sticks of RAM can be replaced with more powerful ones.
Low hard drive space
If the hard drive is full, has little available space, or is extremely fragmented, try running a defragmentation program and deleting unneeded files and programs. If hard drive space is still an issue, a new or second hard drive may be needed.
Processor might not be powerful enough
Processors are rated in GHz (pronounced 'Gigahertz' go to system information to check that your processor meets the requirements of the programs you're running, which can be found online or on the packaging of the program. If you need a higher GHz processor then you must replace your existing one.
Not turning on
Computer does nothing when power button is pressed.
Could be unplugged or tripped fuse
Check that your computer is plugged in and that the outlet is working. If the outlet is not working the fuse for it may be tripped, check your fuse box. There will be a small light on the back of the computer next to the power cord indicating that is it receiving power.
Incorrect power supply
Your computer would not be sold to you with the incorrect power supply. However, if components are upgraded or additional components are added, the computer may require more power. The only way to increase the power is to replace your power supply with one that will supply more power. The power supply takes the AC current from the outlet and transforms it to DC current. It then distributes the power through specific cable to the different computers components.
Power button may be broken
The power button may be broken or sticky. If it is broken it will need to be replaced. If it is sticky is probably just needs to be cleaned, this can be done by removing the front cover and cleaning that area.
Graphics/Screen Not Working
Computer boots up but screen does not display
AVI/HDMI cord improperly connected
Check that the cord from the tower to the monitor is well connected.
Broken video/graphics card
Graphics cards can fail due to age, overuse, or failure of its built in fan. If these failures occur, the graphics card will need to be replaced.
Low power supply
If the graphics card has been replaced, the new one may require more power than the old one. The power supply may need to be upgraded.
Graphics card may not be powerful enough
If you are running 3D CAD programs, 3D simulations or 3D gaming they may require a more powerful graphics card, which can only be upgraded by replacing the card.
When the computer overheats it will shut itself off. If a major fan is not working at all the computer will give an error when trying to boot up.
Air vents could blocked
The air vents in the front and back of the computer have to be far enough away from the wall or other obstructions to allow for airflow.
Fans may be dirty
Fans can become clogged with dust, hair or other objects. To ensure fans can spin at max speed they need to be kept clean.
Fans may be broken
The motor that drives the fan can become weak or break over time, if this happens the entire fan unit must be replaced.
Heatsinks may be dirty
Heatsinks draw the heat off of high power computer chips such as the CPU. If the heat sink becomes too dirty with dust and other particulate they may lose their efficiency in cooling off the computer chip.
Time is Wrong
The clock on the computer displays the wrong time.
Time Zone may be Wrong
Go into the setting for your clock to make sure it is set for the correct time zone.
Bios Battery may be dead
If you Bios battery is dead your computer will not be able to know how long its been turned off for, therefore it will have the wrong time. The Bios battery is very easy to replace.
4 opmerkingen
Can't connect to the internet with ethernet
John Hodges - Antwoord
Turn on then turns off before bootup
Robert Parra - Antwoord
the time and date are correct it keeps saying its ahead and want let me on to sights
Joeseph Green - Antwoord
How do I remove front plastic cover with Dell ID and round switch to access for repair?
Donald Sandwell - Antwoord