Wiki met studentenbijdrage
Een geweldig team van studenten van ons onderwijsprogramma heeft deze wiki gemaakt.
Computer won’t turn on
- Computer won’t turn on
-Make sure computer is charged up
-Then try to turn on power after computer has been. charged for at least an hour.
- Computer won’t turn on due to not charging
-If computer won’t charge, check computer cord.
-If the problem is the computer charging cord, replace charging cord.
- Computer won’t charge due to faulty battery
-If computer won’t charge and it is not the cord, check the battery charging light.
-If the computer charging light is not on, battery may need to be replaced
-Check the guide on battery removal and replacement
-Call technical assistant for help
Laptop Screen is Black'''
The computer screen is not displaying anything.
- Computer isn’t on
-Make sure computer is charged up and powered on.
-If not, plug computer and make sure charge light is on.
- Computer is on, but screen is black
-If computer is charged and on, try rebooting the computer.
-Hold down power button for 20 seconds until Acer logo pops back on screen.
- Rebooted, but screen is still black
-If computer screen is still black, LCD screen or LED light may need to be replaced.
-If replacing LDC screen at home, open up the top of laptop with any tool, remove screen, and replace with a new one.
-If replacing LED light, open up the top of laptop with any tool, remove and replace light with a new one.
-Call tech support for further assistance.
Can’t plug in USB
- USB ports not working
-USB port is bent
-If USB port is bent, port may need to be replaced
-Refer to USB port replacement guide
-Call technical assistant for help
USB port won’t recognize device
-Is USB or USB cord is plugged in and working
-Make sure the USB device or cord is properly working
- USB is plugged in, but my laptop will not recognize my device
-Start by checking to make sure your system is updated on your computer
-If USB port is still not working, try reinstalling the Operating system shipped with your device.
-USB port won’t recognize device, but Operating system is updated
-Device port may need to be replaced.
-Refer to guide for USB port replacement
-Call technical assistant for help
Hard Drive Issues
- Computer won’t recongnize hard drive
-Make sure hard drive is updated with the latest updates
-Then restart the computer
- Computer is updated, but hard drive still won’t recognize
-Dissemble the device
-Make sure the device’s hard drive is not missing (usually happens with pre-owned devices)
-If not, order a hard drive or contact warranty department
-If so, hard drive may need to be replaced.
-Then refer to guide for replacement
-Call technical assistant for help
Motherboard issues
- Computer is running slow
-Make sure computer has all updates
-If it is updated, make sure computer is free of viruses
-Run a diagnostic on device
- Computer won’t work
-If computer won’t work, check motherboard/CPU
-If problem is with CPU/motherboard, replace or update motherboard
-Refer to guide for instructions
-Call technical assistance for help
Één opmerking
Boot up failure
Husnain iqbal - Antwoord