This teardown is done as to comply with the task 2 IDES 2171. Photographed and written by Ashley Mutandiro and Aisyah Azmi, first year students of Bachelor of Industrial Design UNSW Sydney, Australia.
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Breville Toaster.
The toaster before the teardown process.
12 opmerkingen
Don’t buy this toaster…They fail and Breville won’t warranty it after 1 year….
Never again Breville..
Thank you for this tear down guide. Though it’s built pretty well and feels like a tank, It doesn’t seem very repairable. Mine stopped working a couple months ago and I’m contemplating throwing it out. Comments?
Thanks very much for posting all of this, gave me the confidence to 'go in'.
Foe anyone thinking of doing what I just did; the guts of a plastic cased model can be put into a metal cased model but there are a few differences but everything you need is there.
Purchased a Breville die cast 2 slice toaster ($160). After one year it stopped toasting evenly and then on the out side of one slice. I am capable of fixing this but Breville will not sell parts, they want you to buy a new one. My first and last Breville product.