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Deze demontage is geen reparatiehandleiding. Om je Framework Laptop te repareren, gebruik onze reparatiehandleidingen.

    Laatste gedachten
    • Every important component in the laptop is easy to access and replace.
    • Inside the laptop, most components are helpfully labeled to help orient and guide the fixer.
    • The Framework Laptop repair guides are free and easily accessible, and Framework is already selling spare parts right on their website.
    • External ports on the laptop are modular, but the actual USB-C sockets they plug into are soldered to the main board, complicating a potential port replacement.
    Repareerbaarheid 10 op 10
    (10 is gemakkelijkst te repareren)

13 opmerkingen

Buying one! When it comes to Turkey

KAAN CAN - Antwoord

noice! a rare 10!

Ch_pi - Antwoord

I have faith in these guys! Respects from Turkey.

Ömer Gülcü - Antwoord

Definitiely ordering one when the deliver to Sweden, no doubt!

Alex Olsson - Antwoord

I love it! Definitively my next laptop!

gustaudio - Antwoord

Voeg opmerking toe


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