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Two Repairs in One Go (Replaced Battery and Lightning Connector)

Scott Sessions -

iPhone SE

Afbeelding van het verhaal

iPhone SE Battery Replacement

4 uren


Mijn probleem

My iPhone's Lightning connector was difficult to plug in successfully. I tried cleaning it out, thinking it might be dusty or grimy inside, but it made no difference. I've had the iPhone SE for almost 2 years and have also noticed that the battery performance was getting worse and worse. It turned out to be cheaper to purchase iFixit's Battery Replacement kit and the Lightning Connector replacement than to buy all the parts required to replace the Lightning Connector separately. The battery kit had all the tools I needed for both repairs, so I got the kit (with battery) and the Lightning Connector replacement, and I threw in a Anti-Static Project Tray for good measure.

Mijn oplossing

It went well! It did require some prep work to figure out how to combine both repairs. I compared the repairs side-by-side and discovered they forked at Step 23, after removing the front panel assembly. I removed and replaced the battery first, then the Lightning connector. It was tricky at some points, but the repair instructions were often reassuring. I wish there had been more details about installing the new Lightning connector, especially highlighting the bracket for the Touch ID cable connector in Step 32. It took me several minutes to figure out just how that plug had been situated onto the component right above the microphone.

Putting it all back together was pretty fun, actually. However, I ended up with a single cat hair jutting into the headphone jack that no tugging would remove. I decided I didn't care to open everything up again, and I left it as a reminder of my kitty hanging out with me during the repair. Checking now, it looks like the hair may have broken off.

Mijn advies

Read each step closely _before_ doing anything! Have a glass of water nearby to force yourself to slow down and rest between each step.

If you've got furry animals nearby, watch out for floating hairs that may end up in the device!

Also, use the Project Tray, or something similar, and make your own system for organizing the screws you've removed. It gave me peace of mind to know where each individual screw was kept and in which order to replace them. I organized them in order of removal, left to right, and top-down as they were written in the instructions. Then, to replace them, I went right to left and bottom-up in the instructions. No mix-ups or mistakes!

Anti-Static Project Tray Afbeelding
Anti-Static Project Tray


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