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iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf

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  1. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf, Harde schijf: stap 1, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Apple heeft hun nieuwe iPod's zodanig ontworpen dat ze erg lastig te openen zijn zonder daarbij balngrijke onderdelen te beschadigen. De metalen beschermplaat, de metalen achterste behuizing en de 13 (ja, 13!) metalen klemmen die de behuizingen bij elkaar houden, maken dit een van de moeilijkst te demonteren iPod's.

    • Ga voorzichtig verder en houd in je achterhoofd dat je je iPod significante schade kunt berokkenen die niet goed te herstellen is. Het kan ook handig zijn om wat extra plastic openingstools klaar te hebben liggen vanwege het gemak waarmee ze kunnen breken. Veel reparatieplezier!

    • Zorg dat de vergrendeling, voordat je begint met het openen van de iPod, op het slotje staat.

    If you're meticulous, the job can perfectly be done, without any of the recommended tools. I hadn't the time to order them, so I opened my iPod with the large blade of my Victorinox swiss army knife. By just following the instruction I succeeded in releasing all of the metal tabs all around the iPod, and didn't damage any of them. You can clearly hear them "declipsing". I think the blade of the Victorinox is thiner than the putty knife, the only thing you have to take care of, is not to cut the black or silver painting of the front of the case, but if you are used to cut with a knife, you should succeed. Just be aware that it is however a difficult job !

    jcfsystems - Antwoord

    Thank you for these instructions - my dead iPod classic (that died whilst attached to an ipod dock during a heavy thunderstorm which took out the dock too) is now working again. Opening the case took me 40 minutes and 7 plastic case openers not to mention very sore hands but the rest of the process worked fine. thanks again

    Stuart Hutchesson - Antwoord

    Opened it up with MANY super thin nylon guitar picks in less than a minute starting from the two tabs on the bottom - I used the putty knife in my shop for wood filler and patching walls :)

    cmguitar - Antwoord

    Appreciated the earlier comment about using guitar picks. It is waaaaaay easier to open the iPod with guitar picks. It still requires patience sometimes, but no noticeable damage to the iPod. Went to the local music store, they stocked Fender picks. Fender "Thin" work best for me for starters, but sometimes Fender "Medium" are needed. (Go to your local music store-- very cheap!) I have opened (and repaired successfully!) four different iPods just using guitar picks.

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

  2. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 2, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Het openen van deze iPod kan een uitdaging zijn. Laat je niet ontmoedigen als het niet zo makkelijk gaat als je had gehoopt. Een ding om goed op te letten: de hoek van de plastic openingstool wanneer je deze in de iPod steekt. Idealiter zou deze zo verticaal mogelijk moeten zijn.

    • Steek een plastic openingstool in de naad tussen de voorste en achterste behuizing van de iPod.

    I have with luck (several times) used the metal spudger to create a small initial gap.

    But be careful, it's easy to severely scratch the iPod.

    rousp - Antwoord

    right here, you should insert a picture of the little clips on the rails inside the back of the ipod, so that we can visualise what we're trying to undo, & get a better idea of which way to bend, which way NOT to bend the tools.

    duncanrmi - Antwoord

    Good point! There is such a picture showing the location of at least four (4) clips on each side of the case here:

    in the Step 4 of the “iPod Classic Teardown”: iPod Classic Teardown

    As mentioned below by Kevin M there are 3 more (1 on top and 2 on the bottom sides).

    LDS -

    Actually it’s a wayyyyyyy easier using the iFlash opening tool and following the pdf of this guy (youtube link)

    Bastien Arata - Antwoord

    Actually it’s wayyyyyy easier using this tool as mentioned by this awesome guy on his video.

    Bastien Arata - Antwoord

    That video is excellent. He has a PDF you print which is the same size as the iPod so you know exactly where the 11 clips are (1 on top, 2 on bottom, and 4 more along each side).

    Kevin Moorman - Antwoord

    Appreciated the earlier comment about using guitar picks. It is very easy to open the iPod with guitar picks. It still requires patience sometimes, but no noticeable damage to the iPod. Went to the local music store, they stocked Fender picks. Fender "Thin" work best for me for starters, but sometimes Fender "Medium" are needed. (Go to your local music store-- very cheap!) I have opened (and repaired successfully!) four different iPods just using guitar picks.

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

  3. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 3, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek nog een plastic openingstool in de naad tussen de voor- en achterkant van de iPod. Laat ongeveer 3.8 centimeter aan ruimte tussen de twee openingstools vrij.

  4. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 4, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek een plamuurmes of je Jimmy in een hoek in de opening tussen de voor- en achterkant van de iPod. Steek je tool ongeveer 3-4 mm diep in de naad.

    • Er loopt een dunne, metalen reling aan de binnenkant van de achterste behuizing. Wees voorzichtig bij het inbrengen van je tool en voorkom dat je deze reling beschadigt.

    • Als je mes of Jimmy eenmaal de klemmen aan de binnenkant van de achterste behuizing los heeft gemaakt, draai je het mes zo dat deze verticaal komt te staan en wiebel je het recht naar beneden de opening in.

    I tried this on the first iPod I was trying to fix. This method really messes up the sides of the iPod. Go back and read earlier comments about using guitar picks or other tools!

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

    I tried this on the first iPod I was trying to fix. This method really messes up the sides of the iPod. Go back and read earlier comments about using guitar picks or other tools!

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

  5. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 5, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Plaats je vingers op de rand van de achterste behuizing waar je tool zich ook bevindt. Druk je vingers zo hard mogelijk tegen de rand aan terwijl je je tool naar buiten buigt om de klemmen vrij te maken. Zo voorkom je dat de rand te ver en onherstelbaar naar buiten buigt.

    • De theorie achter deze methode is dat, in plaats van te proberen de rand van de behuizing helemaal niet te verbuigen, deze juist zo te verbuigen dat het te herstellen is. Door de rand van de achterste behuizing naar buiten te buigen, zorg je dat ook de klemmen van de rest van de iPod loskomen.

    I tried this on the first iPod I was trying to fix. This method really messes up the sides of the iPod. Go back and read earlier comments about using guitar picks or other tools!

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

  6. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 6, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Verwijder het mes of je Jimmy uit de iPod en steek deze, dichter bij de hoek van de iPod, in de opening tussen de voor- en achterkant. Gebruik eenzelfde wiebelmethode als in de stappen hiervoor.

    • Probeer, indien mogelijk, de hoeken van het achterste paneel niet te verbuigen.

  7. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 7, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek vervolgens een plastic openingstool in de naad tussen de voor- en achterkant van de iPod, nabij de audio-jackaansluiting.

    • Het kan soms wat makkelijker zijn om je mes, dat in de opening zit, naar beneden te duwen om zo een iets grotere opening te creëren voor je openingstool. Voorkom echter dat je de hoek van de achterste behuizing verbuigt!

  8. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 8, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek een metalen spudger in de zojuist door je openingstool gecreëerde opening, nabij het midden van het scherm.

    • Het is vrij gemakkelijk om een zichtbare deuk in de achterste behuizing te maken die lastig te herstellen is. Zorg dat je, bij het loswrikken van de klemmen, probeert de metalen spudger te laten roteren op de rand van de achterste behuizing (in plaats van de behuizing naar buiten te duwen).

    • Gebruik je metalen spudger om de enkele klem aan de bovenkant van de iPod los te krijgen.

  9. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 9, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek een plastic openingstool in de naad tussen de voor- en achterkant van de iPod, nabij de andere hoek aan de bovenkant van de iPod.

  10. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 10, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek, aan de andere kant, een plastic openingstool in de naad tussen de voorste en achterste behuizing van de iPod.

    • Het kan zijn dat je het makkelijker vindt om de openingstool die in de bovenste hoek zit naar beneden te duwen om zo een opening te creëren die groot genoeg is voor het inbrengen van je andere tool.

  11. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 11, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Verwijder je openingstool uit de bovenste hoek en steek deze in de naad tussen de voorste en achterste behuizing van de iPod. Laat minimaal 3.8 cm tussen de twee openingstools zitten (zoals je ook aan de andere kant hebt gedaan).

  12. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 12, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Steek vervolgens een plamuurmes of je Jimmy in de naad tussen de twee openingstools. Steek je tool ongeveer 3-4 mm in de naad.

    • Onthoud dat er een dunne, metalen reling langs de zijkant van de achterste behuizing loopt. Wees dus voorzichtig en voorkom dat je de reling beschadigt of loswrikt.

    • Als je tool de klem van de achterste behuizing eenmaal los heeft weten te maken, duw je je mes naar boven tot deze verticaal staat. Wiebel je tool vervolgens op voorzichtige (maar stevige) wijze naar beneden de iPod in.

    • Plaats je vingers vervolgens direct achter je tool op de rand van de achterste behuizing om de behuizing daar tegen te houden bij het buigen van je mes. Trek je mes vervolgens op zeer rustige wijze wat naar buiten tot je voelt dat alle klemmen los zijn gekomen.

  13. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 13, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • De metalen klemmen nabij de hoeken staan berucht voor hun ferme grip van het voorste paneel. Het is wel noodzakelijk om ook deze klemmen los te maken om de iPod te kunnen openen.

    • Steek je metalen spudger op voorzichtige wijze in de opening nabij de koppige klemmen.

  14. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 14, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Wiebel je metalen spudger op rustige wijze omlaag tot deze zo ver als mogelijk in de achterste behuizing zit.

  15. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 15, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Begin voorzichtig met het losmaken van het voorste paneel uit de greep van de klem.

    • Het is vrij gemakkelijk om hier een zichtbare deuk in de achterste behuizing te creëren, die lastig te herstellen is. Zorg dat je metalen spudger, bij het losmaken van deze klem, op de rand van de achterste behuizing roteert (als een hefboom) in plaats van de behuizing naar buiten te duwen.

  16. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 16, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Blijf het voorste paneel omhoog duwen met behulp van je metalen spudger tot de metalen klem uit het andere deel van de behuizing los komt.

  17. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 17, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • In de iPod zitten twee lintkabels die de achterste behuizing met de rest van de iPod verbinden. Zorg dat je in de volgende stap voorzichtig te werk gaat en voorkomt dat je deze kabels beschadigt.

    • Pak het voorste paneel met je ene en het achterste deel van de iPod met je andere hand vast.

    • Haal even diep adem!

    • Vervolgens probeer je resterende vastzittende klemmen op voorzichtige (VOORZICHTIGE!) wijze los te maken door de bovenkanten van beide helften van elkaar weg te trekken alsof de onderkant een scharnier is. Vergeet niet op de lintkabels te letten en te voorkomen dat je deze beschadigt!

  18. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 18, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik een spudger om de sluitarm op het contact van de batterijkabel omhoog te klappen. Het gaat om de aansluiting van de oranje lintkabel van de batterij, rechtsonderin het toestel.

    • Schuif de aansluiting van de oranje lintkabel uit het contact.

    If the small battery black/white connector pumps out of the ipod when you are trying to unplug the cable...REMEMBER the "U" black shape is meant to be just in the same direction as the blue plastic "U" beside it. If you plug it back in the wrong way it will display "Charging please wait..." forever!.


    riverate - Antwoord

    How did you get the black battery piece to stay in after it popped out?

    Katrina Frantz -

    I knocked this little bit out too! Any tips to get it back in? Soldering?

    David Ewing -

    This step is what ultimately destroyed my iPod. A caution to be very careful would be good.

    I got the whole black white thing disconnected from the pins. After a lot of struggle I was able to get it back in, but I couldn’t get the black locking part to go up on its own. after many tries and some tries to get it in when the black thing is closed, i tore out the pins that were connected to the panel. can’t get it back on so it isn’t connected to the battery…

    Now i have a perfect iPod with a new harddrive but I can’t use it.

    Please add a red caution sentence because I’m pretty sure that if i had known what I had to do I would’ve been more careful and I would now have a functioning iPod.

    Nonetheless, great guide! without this I wouldn’t even have tried and the harddisk came from another broken down iPod classic so it’s not that I lost money.

    stef.kuypers - Antwoord

    I got the whole battery clamp connector (black and white) all out too… So angry about it! I thought that the white part should be disconnected too, like former iPod models. Be careful, you only have to release the BLACK locking bar! One more photo with a zoom on the battery connector could have been useful… Great guide anyway :-)!

    kabalbuzard - Antwoord

    Hello! Trying to identify the problem on my Ipod. I think I'm not qualified to open it and do the fixing. Do you know a shop or someone in Paris that would try it? Apple says they are not qualified anymore.

    Thanks in advance!

    Baudu Camille - Antwoord

    OK, you have to be really careful with this step! If you pry too hard, the little plastic clamp that holds the cable will come up too far and break, and then you are ****ed. It only needs to be raised millimeter or two, but at first, it doesn't move at aIl, so it is easy to pry upwards too hard. I have found that using angled tweezers while VERY GENTLY prying upwards on both sides works best. But still, BE VERY CAREFUL AND GENTLE! It's also easy not to even know that it is up all the way! So every now and then try gently lifting the ribbon cable to see if it is already released.

    Novice iPod Repair Guy - Antwoord

  19. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 19, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Plaats het achterste paneel naast de iPod en wees hierbij opnieuw voorzichtig, aangezien het makkelijk is om de oranje lintkabel van de koptelefooningang te scheuren of anderszins te beschadigen.

  20. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 20, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Til de harde schijf met een hand omhoog zodat je bij het contact van de koptelefoonaansluiting eronder kan komen.

    • Gebruik een spudger om de plastic lip omhoog te klappen. Deze lip houdt de aansluiting in het contact vast, waardoor deze niet los kan komen. De lip zal ongeveer 90 graden omhoog klappen, waardoor de aansluiting van de lintkabel kan worden losgekoppeld.

    • Schuif de lintkabel van de koptelefoonaansluiting uit het contact.

    • De achterste behuizing is nu als het goed is volledig losgekoppeld van de rest van de iPod.

    I broke off the plastic tab I lost it any suggestions. How could I replace the plastic tab?

    Fabio a - Antwoord

  21. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 21, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Nu is het tijd om de schade die is aangericht bij het openen van de iPod Classic weer te herstellen! Het is waarschijnlijk dat minimaal een van de metalen klemmen naar boven gebogen is in het proces. Om de achterste behuizing weer terug te kunnen plaatsen, moeten alle klemmen naar beneden wijzen.

  22. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 22, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Gebruik de brede, platte zijde van de metalen spudger en duw de klemmen weer naar beneden. Ga rustig en gecontroleerd te werk en zorg dat je niet zo hard duwt en trekt dat de metalen reling, waar de klemmen aan vast zitten, los komt.

    • Voorkom dat je bij het terugduwen van de klemmen geen schade toebrengt aan de onderdelen van de hoofdtelefoonaansluiting.

  23. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 23, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Zet de achterste behuizing met de zijkant naar beneden op een schoon, hard oppervlak rechtop. Zet nu een stevige druk op de behuizing, zodat de zijkant weer terug naar binnen wordt gebogen.

    • Het is mogelijk dat je deze stap meerdere keren uit moet voeren om de gewenste positie te bereiken. Het is uiteindelijk ook beter om de zijkant iets te ver naar binnen te hebben staan dan te ver naar buiten, aangezien het voorste paneel de zijkanten van de achterste behuizing dan weer op hun plek zal drukken.

    • Nu de achterste behuizing weer in de juiste vorm is gebracht, kun je verdergaan met het repareren van de iPod!

  24. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 24, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Draai de harde schijf uit het frame van de iPod en plaats deze zodanig dat de aansluiting naar boven toe wijst.

    • Gebruik een spudger om de kleine, zwarte sluitarm, die de oranje lintkabel van de harde schijf op z'n plek houdt, omhoog te klappen. De arm zal 90 graden omhoog komen en de lintkabel uit z'n greep verlossen.

    To be clear, the plastic tab to be flipped up is the SMALL BLACK piece shown vertically in the photo above. The spudger is pointing directly to it. The tab flips TOWARDS the ribbon. While the picture is correct, this wasn’t obvious to me.

    Linda and Brian Henning - Antwoord

    Thanks for the feedback! I will adjust the wording to clarify this.

    Arthur Shi -

  25. iPod Classic Vervanging van de harde schijf: stap 25, afbeelding 1 van 1
    • Trek de aansluiting van de oranje lintkabel van de harde schijf weg uit het contact.

    • Als je de harde schijf van je iPod vervangt en je nieuwe schijf bevat geen rubberen bevestigingsbeugel en schuimen bescherming, dan kun je deze van je oude naar je nieuwe schijf overzetten.


Test alle functies van je iPod voordat je de behuizing weer helemaal dicht drukt.

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Lid sinds: 09/24/09

1 Reputatie

636 handleidingen geschreven

48 opmerkingen

The instructions worked like a charm. This is not for the faint of heart and requires some modicum of skill, but I saved a buttload of money by doing it myself. You will definitely need the recommended tools.

johannesdecruce - Antwoord

It worked like a charm... Just need to follow the instructions carefully and you can avoid to spend 200 something € to buy a new iPod!

Thanks iFixit

Fanny Millon - Antwoord

i couldn't get the plastic opening tool in between the 2 sections. i ended up using two razor blades instead of the plastic tools and the putty knife, i was able to replace the hard drive with very little struggle and almost no cosmetic damage(not that i care what the thing looks like)

algore2016 - Antwoord

Thanks for a highly useful guide. Slowly and methodically, using a single-bladed, razor blade, I was able to open the case, following this procedure. Patience is, indeed, a virtue, in this case.

I was able to successfully replace the hard drive and battery.

The only snag I encountered was that the headphone jack ribbon was glued to circuit board adjacent to the connector under the hard drive. (I just left this ribbon be, not wanting to risk damaging the ribbon.) It was a bit awkward straightening the case edges, but I managed.

Overall, I'd give this guide a grade of "A" was nearly perfect and very clear. Bravo!

rgstout - Antwoord

Well I managed to get it apart, though it wasn't all that difficult with the right tools, but getting it back together has been a nightmare. Just saying "reverse the process" is reall not quite enough in this case. All the little pieces of shock padding keep falling off, it's almost impossible to get the two wires plugged back in as well as keeping them in place, but I got there in the end. Or so I thought . Now my ipod has no sound (except from dock output) - and on investigating I find I have severed the orange cable near the jack itself- either by bending it or catching it on something. So another part to buy. So it's a warning to be very careful.

James Skilton - Antwoord

Yeah. I did it. It wasn't easy, and the results could have been prettier, but I did it.

On opening, I found my plastic tools to be useless. I ended up taking the blade of a cheap Gerber knife to the thing, being careful not to damage the rails. I found that thin grade guitar picks were a great thing to stick in the spaces!

It's a good idea to take a picture of the innards once you open it. The little bumpers can be a bit tricky to reposition when you put it back together. Also you'll want to remove the blue foam padding if possible from the old hard drive and stick it to the new one.

Don't freak out when you get to the ribbons. They're tougher than they look, and they seem to know where to go. I did have to use a pair of needlenose plyers to guide the headphone ribbon back into place.

If you're a stickler for aesthetics, then pay close attention to steps 21-23. Especially 23, or you'll have unsightly gaps along the edges.

The hardest part of this project is taking it apart. Take your time.

David - Antwoord

This is great instruction.

Could you please add the list of compatible hard drives.

I have a need for larger hard drive and plan is to install 512GB SSD drive for my iPod Classic 160GB 7th Gen. Do you now is there some limitation in HD size in iPod?

The plan is to replace original 160GB hard drive with Samsung PM851 512GB SSD drive

Based on my understanding this adapter works

Mini PCI-E Msata SSD to 40pin ZIF Adapter Card

with Samsung PM851 512GB mSata Internal Solid state drive SSD

I guess that I need also new wider back cover for iPod classic.

I'm not sure how much space is needed for Msata to SSD adapter and ssd drive

Any comments?

Jari - Antwoord


Have you considered using a Compact Flash instead of SSD? i.e. check eBay for "CF to Zif 1.8" HDD SSD IDE Adapter"...

htk - Antwoord

I tried to install Samsung PM851 512GB SSD drive for iPod Classic, but iPod does not detect the drive.

I formatted SSD drive to FAT32 beforehand, but finally I had to intall original 160GB drive back.

Jari -

This was indeed a tough shell to crack! The plastic tools can bend easily and become weak so be careful as you are trying to create the initial gap for the putty knife. Once you get one side unhinged, the rest moves much more quickly!

Upgraded my 80 to a 120 and did the battery while I was at hopefully I can squeeze another 5 years out of my iPod which should be long enough for a Apple to release Touch with a large enough hard drive for all my music!

doomius - Antwoord

The guide is very good. Take your time and with patience and perseverance it can be done. I used a kitchen palette knife to prise open the case. I replaced the hard drive and after several attempts at fixing the hard drive cable in place given that the flimsly retainer clip broke first time on the new drive. I used a piece of paper in the slot to keep the cable connected and secure which was then curved back and taped into place to keep the pressure on. Fiddly but sucessful. I now have my ipod up and working. Not bad for a 7 year old piece of kit which has has a few knocks and bashes on the way. So it is worth trying!

Paula Pompei - Antwoord

Had great success using 6 guitar picks instead of the putty knife. Allowed me to move in smaller sections and caused zero damage to the iPod. Didn't even bend any metal clips mentioned in Step 21! Replacing a damaged drive with 128 GB of flash memory using StarTech 1.8-Inch ZIF to CF Adaptor and Komputerbay Dual Micro SD to CF adaptor. Can use two cheaper 64 GB SD cards to achieve a solid state 7th Gen Classic!

Sea Pea - Antwoord

Don't know much about memory technologies but why did you use 2* micro SD cards instead of a 128gb CF card?

matt donovan -

A very useful guide -I read through a couple of times before starting. I did not have spudgers, but used a variety of other small tools. It came apart more easily than expected, and the case only needed one clip bending back. There are some minor marks at the joint between case and front, but all works fine.

Esbjorn - Antwoord

I don´t have the plastic tools, which I believe are meant to open the device without scratching it. I still haven´t repaired my iPod Classic, but I followed the instructions to open it and identify the hard drive model so I could order a new one. I opened it with a round blade knife and two coffee spoons. :) I wasn´t afraid to scratch the dang thing as it was already badly scratched. It will be my "backup" Classic, as I already got myself a new one (one of the last ones).

Ubirata Silva - Antwoord

Is there a drive bigger than the 160 Gb that will fit? I just need more space. :)

Orcinus Orca - Antwoord

I have a 512gb flash memory iPod Classic. It has a Tarkan adapter in it. Paid $400 for it. Didn't do the work myself. Just paid for, basically, a new iPod.

Chris George -

I would like to try this because my iPod classic died and I'm very upset that it's been discontinued. I have no want for a Touch and I listen to too much music for a low GB. I must ask though where you got the new hard drive? Or what kind of hard drive it is. I've only ever installed a hard drive in an XBox 360 slim and that was just opening a panel and slipping it into a port. Thanks.

CyanideBreathmint - Antwoord

Do a flash memory upgrade. Mine is at 512gb now. Replaces the hard drive with flash memory. It has no moving parts and it's lighter!!!

Chris George -

Everything went smoothly. I replaced both the drive and the battery at the same time. I suggest you invest a little $ and buy the necessary tools as I did. Makes everything sooooooo

much easier. Took about an hour but what the heck.....I wasn't doing much else. Now I have my Tunes back! Thanks!

Kenny From San Clemente, CA

kenwinters1 - Antwoord

Great guide, just take your time and make sure you use the proper tools. Used this guide for my iPod and you can't tell it has been opened whereas I used a different guide in the past for the Mrs's iPod with no where near as good results.

Michael Gregory - Antwoord

This is a great guide, I was able to change both my hard drive and my battery in a simple 30 minutes since my package arrived. My iPod always worked really hard just to stay powered on, it felt like it was going to explode every time I picked it up, now the iPod is running quietly and smoothly with no problems. And for once I am able to sync all of my music from iTunes onto it.

Patricia Princivil - Antwoord

A few weeks back I saw someone selling a 160 gig Classic on LetGo for $35 and decided to get it. Got home and discovered why the price was so low, the disk could not be accessed when I tried a restore. So I ordered up some parts from Amazon, a ZIF to CF adapter board and a CF to SD adapter. Ran about $20 for the pair. I went to Harbor Freight Tools to see about a putty knife but decided to get a razor blade with handle that I found in the paint scraping aisle where the putty knives were. Turned out this was the only tool I needed to get the clips undone while not uglifying the iPod. I pried on the edge of the back case like the instructions show using the putty knife to do, then a very small amount of persuasion by placing a small flathead screwdriver in the gap and a bit of twisting got it apart.

Randy - Antwoord

(cont'd) I put a 32 gig SD card in the adapter for testing, then put the adapter into the ZIF adapter and slid it in. I had a 32 gig solid state Classic to show for my efforts. I synced some music and tried playing through some headphones to see what I got, after all this was a cheapie secondhand 'Pod so had to find out if it'd work. Works great.

I see that Other World Computing has a more elegant part going straight from ZIF to SD, I think I'll try that. The slim 7th gen doesn't look like it'll hold the adapter contraption in there now. I haven't tried closing it yet since I need a bigger SD.

Randy - Antwoord

Thank you for the guide! It is indeed very difficult, but not impossible. I followed the directions as closely as possible. I had to use a utility knife to open it. The seam was too tight for the plastic tools. Everything else went fine. If you use extreme care and follow the directions exactly you should be able to do this with no damage to ribbon cables. I did, at times, feel like I was performing microsurgery. :-) All went well in the end and I once again have a working iPod classic - at a fraction of the cost of replacing it. Thanks again for the guide and for the great customer service when ordering the parts.

Richard Tracy - Antwoord

The instructions were absolutely clear( even if I deduced some of the words from the context) :-) The only difficulty for me, was to put as much power on the putty knife as necessary. Too little and too shy at the beginning. ... but then you get the necessary feeling! Again it's not as difficult as it seems in the beginning. By the 25-th fixing you can open a little fixing shop :-D. Thank you iFixit!!! Thank you all enthusiasts who post here!!!

laureantudor - Antwoord

I was able to successfully install the physical drive, however the volume is not working well-it can be heard faintly if the volume is cranked all the way up-but its all very distorted. Any suggestions?

Alexander Mathew - Antwoord

I was able to do this with an 4" icing spatula without bending the case at all. Great guide. My classic is now 250GB of storage, faster, and lighter. Thanks!

azcodemonkey - Antwoord

Hi I have 2 questions.

1) I accidentally broke the (brown) connector holding the battery cable to the logic board. What is it called and how can I get a replacement?

2) I exchanged the LCD Color display between 2 ipod classic (one and A1238 80GB with broken screen and the other A1238 160GB perfect screen) the result was a blank whote screen but if i switched it back to the broken screen, I could see the apple logo n startup. How can i solve this problem? Should i buy a new LCD Color display? Are there any difference between the parts?

Please help....

epatmos - Antwoord

Just replaced my bad hard drive, so far so good. This site was a lifesaver

john maibauer - Antwoord

Great instruction, had two iPods- one with screwed battery, the other one with damaged hard drive: Made one out of two- was easy even though i didn't had the plastic tools, a hair clip is perfect for this job! the iPod is dead, long live the iPod

Bep Straßenkehrer - Antwoord

I have saved a lots of valuable photos in my iPod classic. I dropped it one time and it is not working now.It can’t turn on, can’t link to itunes .If I replaced the hard drive and battery,I can still find my photos back? Anyone who can help me please send me an Thank you in advanced .

ducwei2001 - Antwoord

So I’ve been using my iPod classic as an external drive, and I dropped it and now my computer won’t recognize it, and won’t even come on; I really don’t care about the iPod but the contents how can I test the Hard drive to see if I can get the documents off of it? Any ideas :(

Abe Montes - Antwoord

The instructions were perfect. I did use a few different tools for my own preference but anyone can improvise a little on this project. Had no issues. You have to go slow and be methodical. This is not an easy tear-down but not nearly as difficult as you might think. Of course hand/finger size may come into play. I was successful on my first attempt. You not only need to be mechanically inclined but have some knowledge of electronic assembly, in general. Not for the inexperienced unless you learn quickly.

Kelly - Antwoord

This guide worked very well for me. I found a jewelers loupe to be indispensable and recommend one highly.

Linda and Brian Henning - Antwoord

Is it possible to install a HD from a 160GB Ipod to a 120GB Ipod Classic? Will the device read 160Gb normally?

carlosedgi - Antwoord

This site is super handy for that:

Looks like that ipod gets capped at 128gb but the HD would still work I think.

Alec McWilliam -

The opening method works great with other i Pods too.

Daniel Zwerver - Antwoord

I can't wait to attempt this. I either have a fix iPod or it remains the same just in many pieces.

Jose Godoi - Antwoord

I need to have the hard drive replaced, but I have the worst luck doing things like this. Maybe I should pay someone who’s more nimble to do it for me.

elvimark01 - Antwoord


I am looking to upgrade my classic 5ht gen ipod. where in toronto can i find techs and or services.

purcell greene - Antwoord

Gracias por las guías y a quienes las traducen al español.

Son de gran ayuda¡¡

Miguel Pestruchi - Antwoord

How do you load a new hd with operating software? I have an MP102, Ipod. Help

pookyman69 - Antwoord

The instructions were amazing- I did improvise & used a metal clip to disassemble the iPod completely in 1/2 an hour without breaking any thing or bending the clips. I was lucky-the case was already slightly separated at one corner from being dropped…

Ronni Marcinkowey - Antwoord

Where today can I buy a hard drive replacement for my iPod classic 80gb

Stacey David - Antwoord

Hopefully will get round to replacing the knackered HD on my iPod soon. These instructions will no doubt help, will report back.

Carpark 2 - Antwoord

Any ideas for how to repurpose/ upcycle these hard drives into something else? Maybe a mini NAS to stream music around my house? Doesn't seem like there's many DIY ideas on the interwebz for what to do with these things but I think it'd be a shame to throw away tech that still has life in it!

Lotus Flower - Antwoord

And if you wanted to transfer your music from your older drive, this is exactly what you need: ZIF HDD caddy:

pmarlow78 - Antwoord

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