These instructions may also help with other Nivona models and with coffee makers from Melitta, Siemens, and Miele—they are all made by the same manufacturer and have a very similar design.
When the Coffee Spout Manifold is clogged with f. E. coffee fat, then the coffee only comes out in spurts, often out of only one of the two jets. The Spout Manifold is a sealed-off compartment with venting valves, which doesn't open and is hard to clean. The replacement part doesn't cost much and the replacement is fairly easy.
Update 2021: unfortunately, the coffee spout is no longer available. The only thing you can do is removing and cleaning it.:connect a thin silicone hose to a large syringe and the nozzle on the coffee spout. Then rinse extensively with a solution of machine cleaner.
Wat je nodig hebt
Remove the plastic plate with the 'Nivona' label carefully with a plastic opening tool.
Repeat the steps in reverse order to reassemble the device.
Repeat the steps in reverse order to reassemble the device.
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