You may need to restore or update your iPod, iPod mini, or iPod nano by placing it in Disk Mode if only an Apple logo appears when you turn it on.
If this happens, the iPod software may have been damaged. Put iPod into Disk Mode, then restore or update iPod's software.
Put iPod into Disk Mode.
iPod should appear in the iTunes Source pane and on the desktop or in a Finder window, or in the My Computer window.
If a message appears that says the volume could not be mounted and asks if you want to initialize the disk, choose to initialize iPod's disk. Use Mac OS Extended format (HFS Plus) if you have a Mac, or FAT32 if you have a Windows PC.
Warning: This process cannot be undone. All of your songs, videos, and other files will be deleted. Always make a backup of your important data.
Follow the steps to update or restore iPod. If you manually put iPod into Disk Mode it may need to be reset before you can use it.
1 Opmerking
Can't connect to itunes. also tried pushing and holding menue and start buttons and same thing.
door jim