Hi there!
I would like to ask if someone could help with the following issue?
I have a HP probook 4530 that I want to install Linux on, which I thought would be pretty easy, except little did I know that after installing Linux (And wiping the hard drive) I would not be able to anymore gain access to the laptops BIOS.
"The reason is that the BIOS was a UEFI type. A UEFI BIOS has a component that is on the hard disk. You wiped it with the "safe erase". That is why it won't invoke with the F10 keystroke."
Info on this link: https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-System-and-Recovery/Unable-to-Start-BIOS-Setup-redirects-to-System-Diagnostics/td-p/6013462
Having blundered into that mistake, the next fix I tried was using a (Windows + B command while holding the power button)
Using info from this link: https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Boot-and-Lockup/Power-on-with-beeping-8-times-and-amber-light-blinking-8/td-p/6211674
This "useful" suggestion seems to have totally bricked the laptop :(
So with battery In, out, both with AC power and pressing the Power button only gives my 8 orange blinking lights, no screen turn on, no beeps, just the orange LED....
Is there anyway (By means of Software, hardware or both) that a person could fix the problem? My main objective is to use the laptop (Which is still in excellent condition) with Linux, its just HP been a bunch of A holes that is preventing me extending the life of this laptop.