The heater temp control is an NTC sensor behind a small grill (indicated by the arrow) in the Climate Control Panel
Take a torch and check to see if it is clean or broken. If not clean use a can of air to blow it clean. It then responds much better. If it's broken then visit the Volvo forums where you'll find out what to replace it with. It's a fiddly but not difficult job.[br]
Alternatively, open the bonnet and at the back of the engine under the windscreen there are two black rubber hoses going through the firewall in the centre of the car. [br]
Put your heater on full heat and start the engine to heat up the coolant. You should feel one getting hot and the other noticeably cooler as heat is pulled from the coolant into the cabin. If the temp difference is barely noticeable then it's quite possible the heater matrix is partially blocked. Frankly it's a common issue. Some people (inc me) have had great success by removing the hoses to the matrix and REVERSE flushing using mains water pressure. You'll be amazed at the junk that comes out. [br]
So, connect the mains to the matrix RETURN (cooler pipe) and leave the matrix FLOW (hotter pipe) open or pipe it to a bucket where you can then be amazed at the gunk. Basically, connect it all up and CRIMP the flow into the matrix by getting someone to fold the hose in half. Turn on the tap full pelt. When you're ready, suddenly let the flow go to put full mains pressure through the matrix for a couple of seconds. Crimp it again and do it all again. What your doing is sending a series of pressure pulses through the matrix in order to dislodge junk. [br]
It will not harm the matrix as the other end is open. If it's too blocked then little of nothing will come out and flow will not be good. If that is the case then it's a new matrix at around £35 and a few hours work.[br]
The heater temp control is an NTC sensor behind a small grill (indicated by the arrow) in the Climate Control Panel
Take a torch and check to see if it is clean or broken. If not clean use a can of air to blow it clean. It then responds much better. If it's broken then visit the Volvo forums where you'll find out what to replace it with. It's a fiddly but not difficult job.[br]
Alternatively, open the bonnet and at the back of the engine under the windscreen there are two black rubber hoses going through the firewall in the centre of the car. [br]
Put your heater on full heat and start the engine to heat up the coolant. You should feel one getting hot and the other noticeably cooler as heat is pulled from the coolant into the cabin. If the temp difference is barely noticeable then it's quite possible the heater matrix is partially blocked. Frankly it's a common issue. Some people (inc me) have had great success by removing the hoses to the matrix and REVERSE flushing using mains water pressure. You'll be amazed at the junk that comes out. [br]
So, connect the mains to the matrix RETURN (cooler pipe) and leave the matrix FLOW (hotter pipe) open or pipe it to a bucket where you can then be amazed at the gunk. Basically, connect it all up and CRIMP the flow into the matrix by getting someone to fold the hose in half. Turn on the tap full pelt. When you're ready, suddenly let the flow go to put full mains pressure through the matrix for a couple of seconds. Crimp it again and do it all again. What your doing is sending a series of pressure pulses through the matrix in order to dislodge junk. [br]
It will not harm the matrix as the other end is open. If it's too blocked then little of nothing will come out and flow will not be good. If that is the case then it's a new matrix at around £35 and a few hours work.[br]
Hope that helps.