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Origineel bericht door: jcyrus79


Couple of options to try:

1) Reboot system and hold down the trackpad button (under the track-pad) during boot-up this should cause the drive to eject anything still left in the drive...

Option 2 (Not sure if it will work on the older G4's)

Eject a disc with Open Firmware commands

Follow these steps:

Restart the computer.

Immediately after the startup sound, press and hold the key combination Command-Option-O-F.

Release the keys when you see a white screen that says "Welcome to Open Firmware."

At the prompt, type: eject cd

Press Return, then wait a few seconds. The disc drive should eject any disc that is present, and "ok" appears behind your command when the action is complete.

Type: mac-boot

Press Return.

Hope this helps :)

