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Deze versie is geschreven door: jayeff


HI @kteed
What is the make and model number of the refrigerator?
-The defrost heater element is located below the evaporator unit which is located behind a panel ''inside the freezer compartment'' usually at the back.
+The defrost heater element is usually located directly under the evaporator unit which is located behind a panel ''inside the freezer compartment'' at the back of the compartment.
Remove the panel ''inside'' the freezer compartment to expose the evaporator unit, evap fan and the defrost heater plus also a defrost thermostat and may be a temp sensor as well.



Bewerkt door: jayeff


HI @kteed
What is the make and model number of the refrigerator?
The defrost heater element is located below the evaporator unit which is located behind a panel ''inside the freezer compartment'' usually at the back.
-Remove the panel inside the back of the freezer compartment to expose the evaporator unit, evap fan and the defrost heater plus also a defrost thermostat and may be a temp sensor as well.
+Remove the panel ''inside'' the freezer compartment to expose the evaporator unit, evap fan and the defrost heater plus also a defrost thermostat and may be a temp sensor as well.



Origineel bericht door: jayeff


HI @kteed

What is the make and model number of the refrigerator?

The defrost heater element is located below the evaporator unit which is located behind a panel ''inside the freezer compartment'' usually at the back.

Remove the panel inside the back of the freezer compartment to expose the evaporator unit, evap fan and the defrost heater plus also a defrost thermostat and may be a temp sensor as well.

