On the front edge of the case is a lever. Pull the lever and slide out the battery. The lever on the other side is for removing your optical drive although some people put a battery in both sides for more battery time. Ralph
On the front edge of the case is a lever. Pull the lever and slide out the battery. The lever on the other side is for removing your optical drive although some people put a battery in both sides for more battery time. URL for a drawing is http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=188696 Go to number 5. Ralph
URL for this unit http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Device/PowerBook_G3_Lombard#deviceGuides
On the front edge of the case is a lever. Pull the lever and slide out the battery. The lever on the other side is for removing your optical drive although some people put a battery in both sides for more battery time. Ralph
URL for this unit http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Device/PowerBook_G3_Lombard#deviceGuides
On the front edge of the case is a lever. Pull the lever and slide out the battery. The lever on the other side is for removing your optical drive although some people put a battery in both sides for more battery time. Ralph