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Origineel bericht door: DarioPCX


Hi I'm glad to contribute to this forum with the solution for the  problem when you change the printhead or you flush the printhead all of  the sun in the printer won't start won't turn on what I found was that  the two transistors on the hissing of the logic board fail I still  haven't figured out why does the printhead shorts these two transistors  but once you replace the transistors the printer toner design and gives  no problems. Well no problems but it still won't print because I still  haven't replaced the printhead I am trying to figure out why is it that  the printhead is shorting out on the board because if not it will not  work and it will short the board it again I tried it twice and every  time is short the transistors so I hope this help you at least you'll  get to turn on the printer again still waiting to figure out how to fix  the problem with the printhead I am going to try with a brand new  printhead see if it does the same thing Dario Ortiz  Oss..!!




