Here’s the [|2009-2015 Toyota Prius Repair Manual (RM1290U) + Electrical Wiring Diagram].
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has opened in the webpage, go to p.16/136 (.pdf page number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
To make the manual easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the document header bar.
To make the document easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the document header bar.
Here’s the [|2009-2015 Toyota Prius Repair Manual (RM1290U) + Electrical Wiring Diagram].
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has opened in the webpage, go to p.16/136 (.pdf number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has opened in the webpage, go to p.16/136 (.pdf page number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
To make the manual easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the Document header bar.
To make the manual easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the document header bar.
Here’s the [|2009-2015 Toyota Prius Repair Manual (RM1290U) + Electrical Wiring Diagram].
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has downloaded, go to p.16/136 (.pdf number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has opened in the webpage, go to p.16/136 (.pdf number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
To make the manual easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the Document header bar.
Here’s the [|2009-2015 Toyota Prius Repair Manual (RM1290U) + Electrical Wiring Diagram].
Scroll down to ''Vehicle Exterior'' and click on ''Door and Hatch.'' When it has downloaded, go to p.16/136 (.pdf number in document header bar, as there is no page numbering in the manual) to find the section dealing with the Back Door trim assembly removal procedure.
To make the manual easier to use, download it to your computer by using the Download link on the top right side of the Document header bar.