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Origineel bericht door: [deleted]


The Uniden Dect 6.0 as capacity for both provider message bank and local answering machine to operate simulteously.

Light will flag for either or and both when message is stored.

With Telstra 101 is dialled for message bank and *99# to turn on or #99# to turn off. Messages on this service use a 5 delete.

For local answering machine, ring time can bet set locally and may be set to operate before message bank. Possible advantage it will answer locally on and machine and if phone is busy on message bank.

To operate local and machine operate cassette tape symbol button on bottom RH corner of any phone. You will immediately receive number of local messages and the local message and be able to arrow right and select 4 to delete(5 is STOP).

Once both sets of messages have been dealt with red light will go out as no more messages.

Hope this helps. Red light comes back on because you have a message somewhere.


