Since it’s a slow night maybe you could indulge me. I am trying to set up a couple of old iMacs to donate. I’m upgrading the hard drives in both. I’ve been unable to get the machines to see the new hard drives. I’ve set them to cable select, and tried master to no avail.
Since it’s a slow night maybe you could indulge me. I am trying to set up a couple of old iMacs to donate. I’m upgrading the hard drives in both. I’ve been unable to get the machines to see the new hard drives. I’ve set them to cable select, and tried master to no avail.
iMac G3 600 MHz EMC 1857
I’m trying to install a Quantum 60 GB AT Fireball Plus AS
I could not get the machine to see the drive after booting from a 10.3 install disk. I put the drive in a MDD Dual 1.44 and had no problems. I installed the system and booted from it. I put it back in the iMac and all I get is a small world map in a box that flashes a few times and then it goes to the blank folder icon with the flashing question mark. I’ve zapped the P ram several times. Unplugged and re-plugged the machines. Tried booting using the option key. Could not find a reset button. Put in new batteries. Booted from an external firewire CD. All in vain.
iMac G3 266
iMac G3 266
Western Digital W200 drive Same story, no results
I remember we used to be able to “bless” a system but I’ve forgotten how. When I got the machines both had bad drives so I can’t put the old drives back in. Obviously I’m overlooking something. Any suggestions? Thanks Kids
Since it’s a slow night maybe you could indulge me. I am trying to set up a couple of old iMacs to donate. I’m upgrading the hard drives in both. I’ve been unable to get the machines to see the new hard drives. I’ve set them to cable select, and tried master to no avail.
iMac G3 600 MHz EMC 1857
I’m trying to install a Quantum 60 GB AT Fireball Plus AS
I could not get the machine to see the drive after booting from a 10.3 install disk. I put the drive in a MDD Dual 1.44 and had no problems. I installed the system and booted from it. I put it back in the iMac and all I get is a small world map in a box that flashes a few times and then it goes to the blank folder icon with the flashing question mark. I’ve zapped the P ram several times. Unplugged and re-plugged the machines. Tried booting using the option key. Could not find a reset button. Put in new batteries. Booted from an external firewire CD. All in vain.
iMac G3 266
Western Digital W200 drive Same story, no results
I remember we used to be able to “bless” a system but I’ve forgotten how. When I got the machines both had bad drives so I can’t put the old drives back in. Obviously I’m overlooking something. Any suggestions? Thanks Kids
Since it’s a slow night maybe you could indulge me. I am trying to set up a couple of old iMacs to donate. I’m upgrading the hard drives in both. I’ve been unable to get the machines to see the new hard drives. I’ve set them to cable select, and tried master to no avail.
iMac G3 600 MHz EMC 1857
I’m trying to install a Quantum 60 GB AT Fireball Plus AS
I could not get the machine to see the drive after booting from a 10.3 install disk. I put the drive in a MDD Dual 1.44 and had no problems. I installed the system and booted from it. I put it back in the iMac and all I get is a small world map in a box that flashes a few times and then it goes to the blank folder icon with the flashing question mark. I’ve zapped the P ram several times. Unplugged and re-plugged the machines. Tried booting using the option key. Could not find a reset button. Put in new batteries. Booted from an external firewire CD. All in vain.
iMac G3 266
Western Digital W200 drive Same story, no results
I remember we used to be able to “bless” a system but I’ve forgotten how. When I got the machines both had bad drives so I can’t put the old drives back in. Obviously I’m overlooking something. Any suggestions? Thanks Kids