Usually this means that the printerhead is clogged or it is dryed because of empty catridges. I have managed to bring epson’s back to life with simple syringe tool using cleaning fluid. There should be a paper towel at between the printerhead and bottom of printer to get the cleaning fluid so there is no mess left after cleaning printerhead. It is also important to avoid extra mess because there is reader “eye” at printerhead somewhere which tells where the printerhead is situated.
Usually this means that the printerhead is clogged or it is dryed because of empty catridges. I have managed to bring epson’s back to life with simple syringe tool using cleaning fluid. There should be a paper towel at between the printerhead and bottom of printer to get the cleaning fluid so there is no mess left after cleaning printerhead. It is also important to avoid extra mess because there is a reader “eye” at printerhead somewhere which tells where the printerhead is situated.
Usually this means that the printerhead is clogged or it is dryed because of empty catridges. I have managed to bring epson’s back to life with simple syringe tool with cleaning fluid. There should be a paper towel at between the printerhead and bottom of printer to get the cleaning fluid so there is no mess left after cleaning printerhead. It is also important to avoid extra mess because there is reader “eye” at printerhead somewhere which tells where the printerhead is situated.
Usually this means that the printerhead is clogged or it is dryed because of empty catridges. I have managed to bring epson’s back to life with simple syringe tool using cleaning fluid. There should be a paper towel at between the printerhead and bottom of printer to get the cleaning fluid so there is no mess left after cleaning printerhead. It is also important to avoid extra mess because there is reader “eye” at printerhead somewhere which tells where the printerhead is situated.
Usually this means that the printerhead is clogged or it is dryed because of empty catridges. I have managed to bring epson’s back to life with simple syringe tool with cleaning fluid. There should be a paper towel at between the printerhead and bottom of printer to get the cleaning fluid so there is no mess left after cleaning printerhead. It is also important to avoid extra mess because there is reader “eye” at printerhead somewhere which tells where the printerhead is situated.