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Origineel bericht door: Csaba Stefán


Black screen of death, but can't shut down



So I recently got the black screen of death problem of my Samsung Galacy A3 (2016). I went on to read about the possible solutions, including forced restart, forced shutdown, safe mode and recovery mode.  Forced restart works, still no screen though, then the actual problem starts. The device cannot be shut down via holding down the power button.(I also read I have to start pressing the volume down and the power button at the same time to just shut down, but it still restarts) I could hold it for a whole minute, it won’t shut down. And yet, in other instances, like forced reset, the power button somehow works. I even know the actual touchscreen is still working, since if I press the power button and do a swipe on the screen, it does the unluck sound. Similarly, if I press it after this again,  it locks the phone with the sound. So clearly, the power button in this instances work.  But since I can only restart but not shut down (The “buttons” next to the Home button always light up if I press home button, so I know it never shut down) I cannot try safe, nor recovery mode. Possible solutions would be getting a miniUSB/HDMI cable (which I don’t have) and displaying my screen on the monitor, or waiting for it to lose battery, but the most annoying thing is that I have a bunch of alarms on the phone working, which annoy the !&&* out of me as I cannot disable them forever without the screen, and so i’d rather solve this sooner than later by at least powering it down for the time being.:D


Samsung Galaxy A3 2016

