If you are having some problem while login into your Microsoft account there may be some reasons like: you have forgotten your password or you may have enabled [https://goo.gl/sKEu32|two step verification] on you account and you don't have your gadgets along with you to verify you. May be you are trying to login in any other device which is not a recognized device by your account.
Here are some easy suggestion that can definitely help you to get your account back:
* First Check if you have enabled your cap lock button. Because '''Microsoft password''' is case sensitive and you won't be able to login with that, so make sure caps lock is off.
* Other reason may be that your computer have saved too many cookies and history. So try removing all the cookies and clear browsing history of your computer and try to login with different browser.
By doing these simple steps if you don’t get your account back try to reset your account live password by below given method:
These are the steps for '''account live password reset''':
# Go to [https://account.live.com/password/reset|'''account.live.com/password/reset''']
# You will see a small window “Recover your Account”
# Enter your email address, phone number or Skype Name
# Click Next
# Now, provide an email address where you want Microsoft to contact you
# Make sure it’s not the one you are trying to recover
# Then Enter the captcha carefully
# Now click on Next
# You will receive an account live password reset link on your email ID
# Now Open that email and click the link
# You can now set a new password to your Account Live account
# Re-type the password to confirm
# That’s it! You can now get your Microsoft Account
If you still face any issues you can follow this article: https://bit.ly/2HeU0Bw