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Deze versie is geschreven door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,
Try this and see if it works:
Power down the system
Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)
-Remove CMOS recovery (jumper #17 in image below)
+Remove CMOS recovery jumper(#17 in image below - note its’ connection)
-Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)
+Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below) (note the orientation of the battery)
Hold power button for 5 seconds
Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.
Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off
-Connect CMOS jumper back
+Connect CMOS jumper back the way it was
-Replace the CMOS battery
+Replace the CMOS battery back correctly
Power up (system may beep twice)
Press F1 for BIOS
Set the BIOS to the default settings
Set time and date
Press F10 to save BIOS settings and exit
Check if the fan is still running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem, possibly the temp sensor thinking that the CPU is overheating but it could be something else ;-)
Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing



Bewerkt door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,
Try this and see if it works:
Power down the system
Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)
Remove CMOS recovery (jumper #17 in image below)
Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)
Hold power button for 5 seconds
Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.
Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off
Connect CMOS jumper back
Replace the CMOS battery
Power up (system may beep twice)
Press F1 for BIOS
-Set default to the BIOS
+Set the BIOS to the default settings
Set time and date
-Press F10 to save BIOS settings
+Press F10 to save BIOS settings and exit
-Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem, possibly the temp sensor thinking that the CPU is overheating
+Check if the fan is still running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem, possibly the temp sensor thinking that the CPU is overheating but it could be something else ;-)
Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing



Bewerkt door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,
Try this and see if it works:
Power down the system
Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)
-Remove CMOS recovery jumper #17 in image below)
+Remove CMOS recovery (jumper #17 in image below)
Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)
Hold power button for 5 seconds
Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.
Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off
Connect CMOS jumper back
Replace the CMOS battery
Power up (system may beep twice)
Press F1 for BIOS
Set default to the BIOS
Set time and date
Press F10 to save BIOS settings
Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem, possibly the temp sensor thinking that the CPU is overheating
Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing



Bewerkt door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,
Try this and see if it works:
Power down the system
Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)
Remove CMOS recovery jumper #17 in image below)
Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)
Hold power button for 5 seconds
Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.
Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off
Connect CMOS jumper back
Replace the CMOS battery
Power up (system may beep twice)
Press F1 for BIOS
Set default to the BIOS
Set time and date
Press F10 to save BIOS settings
-Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem
+Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem, possibly the temp sensor thinking that the CPU is overheating
-[image|1566978]Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing
+Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing



Bewerkt door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,
Try this and see if it works:
Power down the system
Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)
Remove CMOS recovery jumper #17 in image below)
Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)
Hold power button for 5 seconds
Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.
Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off
Connect CMOS jumper back
Replace the CMOS battery
Power up (system may beep twice)
Press F1 for BIOS
Set default to the BIOS
Set time and date
Press F10 to save BIOS settings
Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem
-Taken from the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing
+[image|1566978]Image taken from p.72 of the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing



Origineel bericht door: jayeff


Hi @nixni ,

Try this and see if it works:

Power down the system

Remove the power cord from power supply. (power cord from PSU to AC wall outlet)

Remove CMOS recovery jumper #17 in image below)

Remove CMOS battery (#24 in image below)

Hold power button for 5 seconds

Reconnect the power cord to the AC wall outlet.

Power On computer and then hold Power again to Power off

Connect CMOS jumper back

Replace the CMOS battery

Power up (system may beep twice)

Press F1 for BIOS

Set default to the BIOS

Set time and date

Press F10 to save BIOS settings

Check if Fan is running at 100% continually. If it still does you have a motherboard problem


Taken from the [|service manual] for your desktop. Click on image to enlarge for better viewing

