In a nutshell: I bought a Power Mac G5, I believe 2.3 GHz. 160 HDD, with 8 GB of RAM.
I got it at a thrift store. Password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Also reseting PRAM was a failure.
Thought well I have [|TransMac software] and USB drives.
From a Windows system I booted up the system. Under Windows CMD I cleaned & converted as well as created a primary partition in GPT instead of MBR.
Restored an image of OS-X Lion onto a thumb drive. I then reformatted the HDD. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original HDD. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish).
Now I get the '''?''' Folder when booting without thumb drive in. And with it I just get a black screen, the fans get moving about 45 seconds in.
I know there are no BIOS. If cleaning HDD doesn't work what am I missing?
In a nutshell: I bought a Power Mac G5, I believe 2.3 GHz. 160 HDD, with 8 GB of RAM.
I got it at a thrift store. Password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Reseting pram was a failure. Thought well I have transmac and USB drives. On windows cmd I cleaned converted and created a primary partition in gpt instead of MBR. Restored an image of osx lion onto flash. Then reformatted hdd. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original hdd. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish). Now I get the ? Folder when booting without flashdrive in. And with it just black and the fans get hyped you about 45 seconds in. I know there are no bios. If cleaning hdd doesn't work what am I missing?
I got it at a thrift store. Password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Also reseting PRAM was a failure.
Thought well I have [|TransMac software] and USB drives.
From a Windows system I booted up the system. Under Windows CMD I cleaned & converted as well as created a primary partition in GPT instead of MBR.
Restored an image of OS-X Lion onto a thumb drive. I then reformatted the HDD. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original HDD. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish).
Now I get the '''?''' Folder when booting without thumb drive in. And with it I just get a black screen, the fans get moving about 45 seconds in.
I know there are no BIOS. If cleaning HDD doesn't work what am I missing?
In a nutshell. Bought power Mac G5, I believe 2.3ghz. 160 hdd, like 8gb ram. I got it at a thrift, password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Reseting pram was a failure. Thought well I have transmac and USB drives. On windows cmd I cleaned converted and created a primary partition in gpt instead of MBR. Restored an image of osx lion onto flash. Then reformatted hdd. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original hdd. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish). Now I get the ? Folder when booting without flashdrive in. And with it just black and the fans get hyped you about 45 seconds in. I know there are no bios. If cleaning hdd doesn't work what am I missing?
In a nutshell: I bought a Power Mac G5, I believe 2.3 GHz. 160 HDD, with 8 GB of RAM.
I got it at a thrift store. Password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Reseting pram was a failure. Thought well I have transmac and USB drives. On windows cmd I cleaned converted and created a primary partition in gpt instead of MBR. Restored an image of osx lion onto flash. Then reformatted hdd. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original hdd. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish). Now I get the ? Folder when booting without flashdrive in. And with it just black and the fans get hyped you about 45 seconds in. I know there are no bios. If cleaning hdd doesn't work what am I missing?
In a nutshell. Bought power Mac G5, I believe 2.3ghz. 160 hdd, like 8gb ram. I got it at a thrift, password locked on screen. Couldn't boot single user, from external, nothing. Reseting pram was a failure. Thought well I have transmac and USB drives. On windows cmd I cleaned converted and created a primary partition in gpt instead of MBR. Restored an image of osx lion onto flash. Then reformatted hdd. (I'm at the library and writing this I realized I did not clean the original hdd. Will test when I get home but in case imma finish). Now I get the ? Folder when booting without flashdrive in. And with it just black and the fans get hyped you about 45 seconds in. I know there are no bios. If cleaning hdd doesn't work what am I missing?