Since this thread has gotten so many views I thought I would share what I ended up doing on my 6+. I had the same issue where the screen would freeze randomly in the home screen. I have lots of free memory. I would reboot every time it would kick up ang get either minutes or hours of normal function but in less than a day it would happen again. So I put the phone in DFU mode and wiped the whole thing and downloaded all my apps fresh. And.... It did the same thing.
Since this thread has gotten so many views I thought I would share what I ended up doing on my 6+. I had the same issue where the screen would freeze randomly in the home screen. I have lots of free memory. I would reboot every time it would lock up again in either minutes or hours of normal function but in less than a day it would happen again. So I put the phone in DFU mode and wiped the whole thing and downloaded all my apps fresh. And.... It did the same thing.
So, Everytime the phone locked up I left it. No rebooting I just set it down and walked away till it unfroze itself. It took three times and now it has been more than a week with no freezes. Now I am refusing all upgrades. Good luck!
Since this thread has gotten so many views I thought I would share what I ended up doing on my 6+. I had the same issue where the screen would freeze randomly in the home screen. I have lots of free memory. I would reboot every time it would kick up ang get either minutes or hours of normal function but in less than a day it would happen again. So I put the phone in DFU mode and wiped the whole thing and downloaded all my apps fresh. And.... It did the same thing.
So, Everytime the phone locked up I left it. No rebooting I just set it down and walked away till it unfroze itself. It took three times and now it has been more than a week with no freezes. Now I am refusing all upgrades. Good luck!