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Origineel bericht door: Janis


Ok seems it`s not fixed

Step 1) Disable legacy protection if it has by entering your own password in BIOS, then disable legacy protection.

Step 2) Choice your way to fix this because there is 2 ways to fix this: Install Windows To Go on Flash drive and boot it from PC\Laptop second way is use two flash drives one where is installation second flash drive is need to use for place OS like Windows 10,8,7,Vista,XP Linux, iOS etc.

Step 3) If you choose version Windows To Go you need only one flash where to install it before it you need to get Software called Rufus at site:, after download it run and it will show drive to install choose your and select disc icon after that browse your selected ISO installation if it has Windows To Go Rufus will automatically show this option if it has, like almost all ISO downloaded from Microsoft, etc. it will take long hours but you will get OS installation on any Flash drive where is enough free space, reboot PC\laptop make sure USB flash drive is in first BOOT UP place set by BIOS. All OS is on your flash without any BOOT option straight by Rufus

Step 4) If you choose version 2 flash drive version you need 1 flash with OS installation files like Windows 7 and 1 flash drive where to install it, you can use similar software Rufus to write in flash OS installation without checking Windows To Go version in Rufus this is fastest way to install OS. When it`s start up Windows boot from flash installation you just need to choose drive like new 1 flash drive it will 100% install to it if you select it in installation time when installation is started.

Step 5) Check Disk formation - if you ask about File system installation than you need to use program called Command prompt  or CMD you must run as administrator this by making shortcut on Desktop by right mouse click on desktop->new->shortcut and locate your CMD like C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, now on new made shortcut right click->properties->Shortcut tab->Advance->check Run as administrator->Ok->Ok now you have CMD with administrator rights. Now just open new shortcut->type diskpart-> hit enter-type list disk->hit enter->type select disk(your flash drive watch who it is like:1 now command  to type looks like: select disk 1-> hit enter->list partition->select partition 1->Delete partition->create partition primary->Now go to my computer open Flash drive it will ask Format drive click on it, but remember files larger than 4GB need NTFS file system so use NTFS before formatting new flash drive->Click format. After formatting flash Drive in large file system like NTFS you can install most newest OS on your Flash drive if that`s you wished to know.

