Inverter Boards and their different blinking habits
Howdy all! I know quite a bit about Lombard PowerBooks and Pismo PowerBooks, but I don't know the answer to ''this'' question.
I'm pretty sure that the inverter boards for each model is compatible with one another, but I know that the Lombard sleep like blinks a green light, and the Pismo's green light fades on and off.
I'm pretty sure that the inverter boards for each model is compatible with one another, but I know that the Lombard sleep like blinks a green light, and the Pismo's green light fades on and off.
If I put a Pismo inverter board, then the Lombard would have a fading light, wouldn't it? Likewise, if I put a Lombard inverter into a Pismo, the light would blink instead of fade, correct? Thanks so much!
Inverter Boards and their different blinking habits
Howdy all! I know quite a bit about Lombard PowerBooks and Pismo PowerBooks, but I don't know the answer to ''this'' question.
I'm pretty sure that the inverter boards for each model is compatible with one another, but I know that the Lombard sleep like blinks a green light, and the Pismo's green light fades on and off.
If I put a Pismo inverter board, then the Lombard would have a fading light, wouldn't it? Likewise, if I put a Lombard inverter into a Pismo, the light would blink instead of fade, correct? Thanks so much!