This has been a developing issue and there are all kinds of information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of the best info is on specialized discussion groups. So I have created a blog post that summarizes the most current and relevant information and I have been updating it almost daily.
The bottom line right now is that the problem is with aftermarket screens produced with Hancai or Tianma LCD's using the Aichungjia (a Flex/IC manufacturer) "copy" driver appear to be incompatible with iOS 11. This driver is said to be unable to handle the iOS configuration and therefore shutting down and causing the lack of Touch functionality.
The only real, practical solution right now is to either downgrade to iOS 10 while you still can or install an original/OEM grade replacement screen. I'm confident that the aftermarket screen manufacturers will correct this problem moving forward. In the meantime, contact your local repair shop (or vendor if you repaired it yourself) to see if they can offer you a replacement.
For those that are interested, you can click on my [|profile] for a link to my blog.
'''EDIT 2017/10/11'''
'''Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.'''
'''Update 2017/10/11''' - Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.
'''Update 2017/10/31''' - Apple has just released iOS 11.1. Check out the details [|here].
This has been a developing issue and there are all kinds of information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of the best info is on specialized discussion groups. So I have created a blog post that summarizes the most current and relevant information and I have been updating it almost daily.
The bottom line right now is that the problem is with aftermarket screens produced with Hancai or Tianma LCD's using the Aichungjia (a Flex/IC manufacturer) "copy" driver appear to be incompatible with iOS 11. This driver is said to be unable to handle the iOS configuration and therefore shutting down and causing the lack of Touch functionality.
The only real, practical solution right now is to either downgrade to iOS 10 while you still can or install an original/OEM grade replacement screen. I'm confident that the aftermarket screen manufacturers will correct this problem moving forward. In the meantime, contact your local repair shop (or vendor if you repaired it yourself) to see if they can offer you a replacement.
For those that are interested, you can click on my [|profile] for a link to my blog.
'''EDIT 2017/10/11'''
'''Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.'''
'''Update 2017/10/31''' - Apple has just released iOS 11.1. Check out the details [|here].
This has been a developing issue and there are all kinds of information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of the best info is on specialized discussion groups. So I have created a blog post that summarizes the most current and relevant information and I have been updating it almost daily.
The bottom line right now is that the problem is with aftermarket screens produced with Hancai or Tianma LCD's using the Aichungjia (a Flex/IC manufacturer) "copy" driver appear to be incompatible with iOS 11. This driver is said to be unable to handle the iOS configuration and therefore shutting down and causing the lack of Touch functionality.
The only real, practical solution right now is to either downgrade to iOS 10 while you still can or install an original/OEM grade replacement screen. I'm confident that the aftermarket screen manufacturers will correct this problem moving forward. In the meantime, contact your local repair shop (or vendor if you repaired it yourself) to see if they can offer you a replacement.
For those that are interested, you can click on my [|profile] for a link to my blog.
'''EDIT 2017/10/11'''
Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.
'''Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.'''
This has been a developing issue and there are all kinds of information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of the best info is on specialized discussion groups. So I have created a blog post that summarizes the most current and relevant information and I have been updating it almost daily.
The bottom line right now is that the problem is with aftermarket screens produced with Hancai or Tianma LCD's using the Aichungjia (a Flex/IC manufacturer) "copy" driver appear to be incompatible with iOS 11. This driver is said to be unable to handle the iOS configuration and therefore shutting down and causing the lack of Touch functionality.
The only real, practical solution right now is to either downgrade to iOS 10 while you still can or install an original/OEM grade replacement screen. I'm confident that the aftermarket screen manufacturers will correct this problem moving forward. In the meantime, contact your local repair shop (or vendor if you repaired it yourself) to see if they can offer you a replacement.
For those that are interested, you can click on my [|profile] for a link to my blog.
'''EDIT 2017/10/11'''
Apple just [|released] iOS version 11.0.3 and it claims to address the Touch Failure on aftermarket screens. For those of you that have been waiting for an official fix, it appears to be here. Make sure to comment below if this update solves your problem.
This has been a developing issue and there are all kinds of information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of the best info is on specialized discussion groups. So I have created a blog post that summarizes the most current and relevant information and I have been updating it almost daily.
The bottom line right now is that the problem is with aftermarket screens produced with Hancai or Tianma LCD's using the Aichungjia (a Flex/IC manufacturer) "copy" driver appear to be incompatible with iOS 11. This driver is said to be unable to handle the iOS configuration and therefore shutting down and causing the lack of Touch functionality.
The only real, practical solution right now is to either downgrade to iOS 10 while you still can or install an original/OEM grade replacement screen. I'm confident that the aftermarket screen manufacturers will correct this problem moving forward. In the meantime, contact your local repair shop (or vendor if you repaired it yourself) to see if they can offer you a replacement.
For those that are interested, you can click on my [|profile] for a link to my blog.