My 1400 had been printing posters on heavy (68#) paper just fine. Then I tried the third poster in a series. Nothing. Same as the other posts. You could tell the printer was trying to sense the edge, then out would come the paper. I switched to my WF-7520: same problem. Tried thin paper thinking the bend in the 7520 might be to much for the heavy paper. No luck. Closed Photoshop and tried again. Same thing. Then the light came on! Or, maybe, the baseball bat hit me in the head. The poster had layers. On an outside chance, I 'flattened' the layers and tried again. Success! Something about the layers caused the problem on two Epson, wide format printers. When I flattened the layers and saved the poster as a jpeg (the saving may not have made a difference, but I was being safe!), everything worked just fine.