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Deze versie is geschreven door: seantolle


-The next thing I would try would be a factory restore. Disconnecting the battery or disconnecting other things without disconnecting the battery can sometimes do funky things. I have not worked on a Sony but I have had similar issues on other brands and doing a factory restore sometimes restores network connectivity after repair when no physical problems with the antenna, etc, can be identified. Be sure to backup any necessary pictures, contacts or files first since a factory restore erases everything and puts it back to the way it was when you bought it new.
+The next thing I would try would be a factory restore. Disconnecting the battery or disconnecting other things without disconnecting the battery can sometimes do funky things. I have not worked on a Sony but I have had similar issues on other android phones and doing a factory restore sometimes restores network connectivity after repair when no physical problems with the antenna, etc, can be identified. Be sure to backup any necessary pictures, contacts or files first since a factory restore erases everything and puts it back to the way it was when you bought it new.



Origineel bericht door: seantolle


The next thing I would try would be a factory restore. Disconnecting the battery or disconnecting other things without disconnecting the battery can sometimes do funky things.  I have not worked on a Sony but I have had similar issues on other brands and doing a factory restore sometimes restores network connectivity after repair when no physical problems with the antenna, etc, can be identified. Be sure to backup any necessary pictures, contacts or files first since a factory restore erases everything and puts it back to the way it was when you bought it new.

