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Deze versie is geschreven door: stevepeet


Everyone complaining about the same issue; No solutions! You get, "It's the print tray" or," It's a Windows driver" (without actually specifying which of the umpteen drivers it is, durrrr), and countless other random posts without any real solution. Does anyone actually know what the issue is because I could sure use an explanation. No, it isn't the print tray, it isn't the fact that some of us use "Non Kodak" ink and it isn't something that just decides to happen at will. Kodak DO know what the issue is and it's more than likely a simple fix, but when you are skint it makes sense to encourage people to buy more of your products and services. Really Kodak, what would Paul McCartneys beloved late Missus think of your behaviour? Tut-tut!
+=== Update (04/29/2016) ===
+The pigment in black ink is thicker and dries much quicker than lighter colours. Kodak print trays in particular i feel, are manufactured without taking this into consideration so the black tends to get bunged up during sporadic use. It suits Kodak though because a replacement print tray costs about as much as a new, low end yet perfectly acceptable printer......WITH INK!!!! Hahahaha, printers - one of the biggest scams on the planet, lol!!!



Origineel bericht door: stevepeet


Everyone complaining about the same issue; No solutions! You get, "It's the print tray" or," It's a Windows driver" (without actually specifying which of the umpteen drivers it is, durrrr), and countless other random posts without any real solution. Does anyone actually know what the issue is because I could sure use an explanation. No, it isn't the print tray, it isn't the fact that some of us use "Non Kodak" ink and it isn't something that just decides to happen at will. Kodak DO know what the issue is and it's more than likely a simple fix, but when you are skint it makes sense to encourage people to buy more of your products and services. Really Kodak, what would Paul McCartneys beloved late Missus think of your behaviour? Tut-tut!

