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Deze versie is geschreven door: jayeff


This link may be of relevance to your problem.
You may also wish to try a hard reset of your phone to see if this resolves your problem.
-''Be aware that a hard reset will erase all your downloaded apps and user data andrestore your phone to a factory default condition. It will be like when you first bought it.''
+''Be aware that a hard reset will erase all your downloaded apps and user data and restore your phone to a factory default condition. It will be like when you first bought it.''
You may wish to backup your data first.
Before performing a hard reset ensure that the battery is charged. Do not perform a hard reset with the charger connected.
Here is a link that shows you how to do it.
Be patient, it takes a few minutes.



Origineel bericht door: jayeff



This link may be of relevance to your problem.

You may also wish to try a hard reset of your phone to see if this resolves your problem.

''Be aware that a hard reset will erase all your downloaded apps and user data andrestore your phone to a factory default condition. It will be like when you first bought it.''

You may wish to backup your data first.

Before performing a hard reset ensure that the battery is charged. Do not perform a hard reset with the charger connected.

Here is a link that shows you how to do it.

Be patient, it takes a few minutes.

