the printer carrier for the black cartridge is burned out, thus it's not communicating with the black cartridge to make it squirt black ink. it can happen either way-color too.
printer carrier must be replaced.
printer carrier must be replaced.
=== Update (10/12/2015) ===
my response to you all, screw inkjet printers because they're too much of a dang headache!!!!!
buy a laser printer, and you will be extremely happy you did! they're very competitively priced these days with inkjet printers, do not have even a fraction of the problems inkjets do because they use what's called a toner cartridge which last many months-i change my toner cartridges about once a year give or take.
yes, literally they're more expensive than inkjet cartridges, but compared to how long they last, you're actually spending less money than if you totaled up the number of times you had to buy inkjet cartridges just to equal the length of time laser toner cartridges last in comparison to inkjet cartridges.
plus, laser printers don't spend a minute or 2 making all that dang irritating noise preparing to print while you're wondering, "ok already, print, dammit!"
i also buy my toner cartridges on ebay for around $100-$120 for all 4 colors!
i have this very good laser printer, the Samsung Xpress model #SL-C460FW i bought practially new on ebay for $130! excellent laser printer, plus it's my second laser printer in since 2003-my other one lasted that long!
the printer carrier for the black cartridge is burned out, thus it's not communicating with the black cartridge to make it squirt black ink. it can happen either way-color too.
printer carrier must be replaced.