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Origineel bericht door: surjeet singh


the problem is related to the battery temperature sensor .. i tried everything like hairdryer ... reassembling the phone etc but nothing worked

than i came to to a solution when i was moving through the service menu (launched by the code 3845#*800# as my device is d800 for other models code will be like 3845#*model no# eg; for d801 put 801 in place of model no )

now you can move to setting tab

than in setting press battery tab

here press battery fake mode and turn it on

thats it now it will charge ....

however it will show always a fixed level of battery like 80% or something else but it will charge ....

if you want to see how much it has charged just turn off the fake battery mode and it will show you how much battery is there ....

if it works and you got your phone working and useful again you can donate me a beer ......  on paypal

