First, remove the swollen now. It is dangerous for your safety as it could cause a thermal invent which is highly toxic and could wreck your laptop. So be extremely careful and cool down the computer and remove the battery and isolate it in a box with some tapes. You don't want to get hurt because of a MacBook battery.
First, remove the swollen battery now. It is dangerous for your safety as it could cause a thermal invent which is highly toxic and could wreck your laptop. So be extremely careful and cool down the computer and remove the battery and isolate it in a box with some tapes. You don't want to get hurt because of a MacBook battery.
You can still use the computer without the battery, but the processor will run smoother, which means the effectiveness of the machines won't be here. The CPU clocks gets slowed when you remove it, but you should do this instead of risking a thermal event.
First, remove the swollen now. It is dangerous for your safety as it could cause a thermal invent which is highly toxic and could wreck your laptop. So be extremely careful and cool down the computer and remove the battery and isolate it in a box with some tapes. You don't want to get hurt because of a MacBook battery.
You can still use the computer without the battery, but the processor will run smoother, which means the effectiveness of the machines won't be here. The CPU clocks gets slowed when you remove it, but you should do this instead of risking a thermal event.
Good luck and take care.