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Origineel bericht door: Brian Gill


Hi,  I have a solution for upgrade HD on Mid 2009 MacBook Pro 13" ( Yosemiti) project.

I was going to make a bootable cloneonto (internal) Seagate 1T through USB - Sata connector, using trial version Carbon Copy Clone 4.0.  When clone complete (50 minutes), new hybrid SSHD seemed to be all set and ready for install.  When installed internally, SSHD wasn't recognized on boot up.  MBP would boot up when plugged old HD into USB - SATA connector, and give error on internal disk that it wasn't initialized correctly.

What I had to do to get around this is:

- Install new SSHD internally

- Connect old HD via USB - SATA

- Erase / configure new SSHD with Disk Utility  (see the many posts on configuring new HD/SSHD for Macs)

- Using CCC, clone old HD (external) to new HD/SSHD (internal)

- After clone complete, close CCC and go to System Preferences, Start Up Disk

- Change start up disk to new (internal HD/SSHD), restart

- Dismount / eject/ unplug old USB HD

Voila! Upgraded SSHD.

NOTE: I was originally trying to use Disk Utility to do the "cloning" but I kept getting errors that wouldn't let me start the process.  I am unsure if by switching the internal / external configuration resolves those errors or not.

Good luck, I hope this shaves off time trying to troubleshoot the process.

